Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why do i want to lead a home group

Why do i want to lead a home group

1) is it because i need to feel needed?
2)is it because i feel lonely?
3)is it because i need a cause a purpose to feel fulfilled in life? Emptiness

soul solutions: to find my friendship in Christ First. O lord come and be my friend. strange as i am you love me. let me build relationships with people that matter, environments where i can truely 'be myself'. Let me grow in the identity of who i am and what i am about.

Let me find purpose in living in your spirit and your word everyday that i may be fulfilled.

To a certain extent, I feel armed and ready but have no where to go to do what I know i must... just remember this has to be an overflow of His love without which nothing can sustain.

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