Friday, November 01, 2013

Himself - Albert Benjamin Simpson (1843-1919)

Himself. One of the most formative teachings, shaping my current belief to pursue a relationship with God. To which end, theology is the means, as explained clearly by A B Simpson, who also trod the path of theology but found it empty of power to save men for His glory.
A short biography on Simpson can be found here
A W Tozer documents the history on Simpson's life and world wide missions ministry, in this short but powerful paperback (a worthy read, as is nearly anything by Tozer). Wingspread - A study in spiritual altitude A B Simpson 
The man was a prolific preacher and author, publishing and preaching hundreds of sermons in his day through is own missions focused publication, transcripts can be found here
Free e books by Simpson can be found here. 
I used a short one year daily devotional written by Simpson for a short time, if you feel you would need short encouragement, this one is pretty good. Here.

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