Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thoughts on the Life of Josepth

After we pray 'thy will be done,' should it surprise us when God acts and chooses for us? It then seems a strange thing to us, because the thing He chooses to do seems to be contrary to our natural desire. But is that not our original and intended purpose in prayer in the first place? We prayed ‘Thy will be done’ in order to be more obedient to Him, and for our desires and our self will to die, did we not?

So our natural will and desire dies a slow painful death so that obedience to God might be raised up in us. Our desires pass into the fires of trial, so that we might have a strengthened desire to please him, the we might possess a greater surrender to His will, the process of which we began by our sincere prayers.

In a contradictory way, while in the midst of the trial and we find that we are asking God ‘why?’ the reason is because you are pursuing Him and want to be conformed into the image of Christ. We find ourselves struggling with the decision that He made on our behalf and struggling if need be in the midst of difficult circumstances. In the middle of all this, a strange thing is happening we are actually becoming more obedient to Him and letting more of Him rule in us, the very thing that we prayed is being accomplished.

The suffering that we endure changes us in this strange twist of circumstances. And in the background God is working -even using evil things that happen to us, for our good. The most hidden, secret thing of all in all this is that He is actually working for our utmost joy in the end result. The hard thing is to have the eyes to see His heart and believe that He is actually working for our utmost joy and that our utmost joy might be in Him.

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