Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Israel’s complaint for food, God’s grace revealed: though we are faithless He is faithful!

1 month into the journey in the wilderness after the red sea, the word says in Exodus 15 says that the bread which was brought along was finished. A lack of carbohydrates means a lack of energy. The people likely had herds and flocks but they needed bread.

‘Why have you, Moses brought us out to the wilderness to die of hunger?’ was their bitter complaint. They were low in resources, wandering around; the promised land not in sight and lack was their portion. Are there not seasons where we are in similar situations?

The Lord’s reply was ‘I will rain bread from heaven’ He takes note of our needs and fills us with bread, blessing and strength.

Not one word about why can’t you trust me after 10 mighty signs and wonders (judgments on the world), one fearful Passover night, (the cross and sacrifice delivering us from wrath on sin), miracles in the red sea parting, miracles in the elimination of Egypt in the sea (a symbol of Christ’s elimination of every enemy at His death and resurrection), the changing of bitter to sweet waters at Marah (miracles of provision), the constant presence of the cloud and fire (symbols of His presence with us).

Not a word about the condition of their hearts or unbelief. I wonder how God must have felt in that moment: out of the massive extent of His redeeming love, He was patient with them, bearing with their rebellions, dealing with the pain of thier distrust in return for His mercies. Instead of anger, He only showed greater faithfulness, love, provision and blessing. Abounding grace!

Though we distrust Him and are unable to give Him what He wants, which is faith, trust and love in return for His great love for us, though we forget His mercies and love, and start to rebel in our hearts to think Him hard and stingy in His discipline of us, He remains faithful to bless us. He sees right through into our hearts, takes note of our needs in His tender mercies, and meets them, but He wants us to trust.

The bread the blessing that was given, was to test them, ‘to see if they would walk in His ways.’ A testing to train them in obedience.

The big test of hunger for a nation was broken down into smaller tests of faithfulness to see if they would keep the command to gather everyday and rely on His faithfulness, go to sleep in trust and wake and know that He would himself feed them day to day – Do not worry abut tomorrow, Your Father loves You and will see you through! He is faithful loving and kind to bless and provide for you.

Let us not be like the children of Isreal, though they saw mighty signs and wonders, they could not believe. The miracles only hardened them further. They could not trust God having no faith relationship with Him. Miracles and spiritual experiences can either heal our heart and make them strong in Faith to enable us to know Him more or they can work against us. For Joshua and Caleb, the display of His glory only made them more strong, faithful and bold in faith, healing thier hearts of the bondage of slavery. The rest of Israel was hardened.

Let us be like those who though we see not, still believe and have the title of 'blessed' because of this. Lord strengthen our faith!

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