Saturday, April 09, 2011

Biblical Repentance and the Gospel- a heart transplant, war and the divine grace of God. Part 2

Biblical Repentance and the Gospel- a heart transplant, war and the divine grace of God. Part 2

God answers. He shows the value, the power and Holiness of the blood of Christ to the sinner, He reveals the lamb, the Son, the One perfect sacrifice to take away all sin, He shows the power of that sacrifice to destroy and cleanse every trace of a man's sin. ‘Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be white as snow,’ only through the power of the blood of Jesus.’ He also teaches the only workable condition to receive this sacrifice, 'only believe'.

The man begins then to believe and put his full hope and trust in Christ alone to save, to forgive, to renew Him, to save him from so great a death, spiritual death in His being. He looks to the mighty risen Christ, His death on behalf of his sins, His blood, His Calvary, suffering, His cross, the price that was paid for sin, the empty grave, the gift of righteousness.

His eye then sees the indestructible power of the risen Christ seated on the throne, the risen High Priest, mighty to save, his eye sees the way to the Holiest made open through this Priest, the path red with the blood of the lamb. The more He concentrates on Christ, and the emblems of Christ’s mighty works, His immortal priesthood, the earthly life of Jesus clean and holy as a lamb, His perfect death and resurrection, the more his faith arises -He cries, God save me to the uttermost for you alone are mighty and willing and able to save! You alone can save me! I believe, help my unbelief!

God extends and begins to fulfil the offer of a heart transplant - spiritual renewal, a new heart and mind is transplanted into the man. The heart and mind of Christ Himself. He writes new desires into the heart of the man, writing the requirements of the holy law, and new desires to walk to please God in the heart.

God gives the power to please Himself to the man, imparting His strength, through the agency of the mighty working of the Holy Spirit which raises us up to life, in Christ, and makes you a heaven born creature.

A new identity is given to the man, no more a sinner, but ‘righteous, holy’, he calls us ‘children of God, born of Himself, born of heaven’, not being ashamed to call us the ‘the brothers of Christ’. ‘Old things have passed away, all things are become new.’ A total transformation begins that makes you fit for the battle.

‘God who works in you both to will and to do for His own good pleasure.’ God strengthens the will to fight against sin. And we use that will to refuse to compromise, to continue to believe and exercise our faith in Christ, we receive an abundant grace that abounds ever greater and more abundantly than sin. We fall, we stumble on the way, but Christ’s blood is sufficient to cleanse and forgive us and cause us to be accepted perfectly by God.

We find His love ever abundant and sufficient, more and more do we treasure His grace and depend on His grace alone. We then use that grace to destroy sin’s dominion as Christ has set you free from sin, taken the sin nature into himself and freed you by giving you a new heart and nature within you, so then sin is broken and defeated by Him for you, appropriate that.

Empowered by His Holy Spirit, we then make the tough choices to obey Him in every detail of our lives, brining our heart, our thoughts, our attitudes under the dominion of the working of the obedience of Christ. We walk, live and make choices to live more and more Holy before Him.

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