Friday, September 09, 2011

to be children again

god is not a list of facts to remember in the right order. neither was the word of god designed to reward spirituality based on mental ability or mental achievement. a child can come to the father. sincerity and heart loyalty are key.

God nor does he answer us because of our perfect prayer of memorized facts. He is an intensely personal God who wants to be known and loved.

true faith is not the mental assent to memorized highly ordered facts about god doctrinal as this is and as important as it is to get the facts right. hearts  can be far away.

god desires our hearts and our minds. the heart is still key. faith is not in mind but heart. love and peace originate from the heart.

prayer is the desperate hope of a condemned sinner which sees salvation only in the cross. the only way i can be saved is in the death of one who is holy on my behalf.

He is a living being who is beautiful holy and honourable one whom we must love with all our hearts being infinitely lovely to the heart.

holiness righteousness are all lovely to the regenerate heart. it is the heart and spirit that receive these blessings before they manifest in the life. we must learn to use our hearts to believe and trust and love god again to be children in heart again.

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