Tuesday, May 31, 2011

God's mighty grace is the promised land

Romans 3:23-24
for there is no distinction, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,

The valley in which all mankind is in is the valley of corruption and sin. Romans 3:22-23 for there is no distinction, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. There we are irreparable, lost, dead in our sins, unable to save ourselves, astray and rebelling against God, hopeless.

'24 and are justified by his grace as a gift'. These same men, lost, corrupted, sinful are then given grace as a gift, through the gift of the Son of God. 

Man - 'Justified' - Declared to be righteous, as a gift of unilateral, costly, precious, rescuing grace. Without which the whole human race would be lost, without which man can never come around to know God to be saved.

How do we begin to describe grace of this kind? How can we declare the value and costliness, the necessity of this grace without which we would be irreparably lost? How do we declare this grace into the heart of everyman, the grace which every man, woman and child needs desperately to experience in the heart?

‘O to grace how great a debtor daily I’m constrained to be’ the old hymn writes’ (Come Thou Fount).

If we know truly the costliness and riches and generosity and eternal unchanging nature, the eternal certainty of the blessing of grace towards the believing man, every man will walk Godly out of thankfulness. Embarrassed that such sinners should be given abounding riches of grace and kindness to be forgiven, and justified, grateful and living in the grace of God.

If we truly know the very heart of grace – which is God’s own heart, to rescue, to redeem (purchase to Himself) we would be nothing but constrained (compelled from the inside, persuaded strongly) to walk after Christ and to take hold more of grace without which we cannot walk, cannot live, cannot exist. But out pleasure would be all the more the live in and experience deeply grace and grace more abounding. God’s mighty redeeming, rescuing grace is the promised land for the Christian to live in daily by faith.

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