Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The form of this world an illusion.

1 Cor 7:31

"For the present form of this world is passing away."

The form of this world, structures of earthly authority, wealth, comfort, position is an illusion that will fade like a dream and usher in a new world and reality we call heaven and earth together combined.

People will be very very shocked on that day to find that they were last who supposed they were first.

True eternal and lasting position is presenlty determined and will be finally irreversibly determined by our relationship to the King of Kings and the value we have placed on His atoning sacrifice and all things pertaining to Him.

On this earth - no true justice, no lasting righteousness, but then, enduring righteousness and justice. will we give up this world for the world to come and do all things for Him to make our eternal standing secure or will we take and trade the world to come, heaven and its glories for the things of this world?

We can taste and experience and enjoy the powers of the age to come now, for the Kingdom is present in the Holy Spirit and authority and glory. it is here and now breaking into this world through the prayers and livs of concecrated saints.

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