Sunday, October 27, 2013

Leaning into the wind

-Reposted from my diary @

Leaning into the blast
Bones shivering, Chattering

The cold it goes straight through the soul
If you let it

Blinding snow by day
Thick darkness by night

But for the strength
To take

One more step

Before long we'll we reach shelter
The mountains trail behind

The trail only upward winds
Our abode lies yonder

Think of fairer days
White streaked clouds against a sapphire sky
Sun shining kindly again
Warm company,
Instead of maddening solitude

And chilling wind

Grab your heart by its strings
Haul it up

Think on brighter things
Chest out and chin in

Leaning into the wind
But for the heart

The courage to last
And wait out

But one more day

For the sun still rises

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