Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Up and about,
Bounding from bough to bough,
My friend the sunbird
Shrill and sharp
Talks about the morning light

Tiny bursts of moving colour,
Olive green and blue streaks,
Arrayed like the sun
In his splendour
Ever the dapper feller,
He doesn't have
A care in the world

Jumping and chirping
Hunting for a juicy spider
Some nectar,
Bits of fruit
- There is sweetness
In the hunt.

Storms may come,
But they soon pass.
There is yet sweetness
For the mourning heart.

Cry if you must,
Let out the hurt
For deep pain
Is best throughly expressed
And the wounds of the heart
They do well with a hug and tear
On a shoulder of a kind and listening ear.

But after that
Don't stay down
For any longer
Than you must.

Laughing and playing ever
Merry making
They remind me
That to be young
Is a choice of heart

There is always
Time for fun
A good clean joke and
A hearty laugh,

If you have a heart
That leaps
Like the sunbird.

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