Saturday, January 15, 2011

Learned Stupidity

I learned stupidity as i was growing up, and scored an A in it.

Stupidity and foolishness can be learned, stupidity also can be un-learned.

Now I must grow up and learn to think.

I am fearful for all the charismatics who like me have learned stupidity through childish foolish doctrines that go against simple wisdom and contradict natural laws and principles, transgresing these daily.

I do believe in the God power to work miracles which supercede natural law, which is the biblical definition of 'miracles' but in general, God's own word and holy reasoning within His word contains such insight and wisdom that teaches us about the laws of the natural world. The nuts and bolts of how and why everything around us works. The brightest scientists of the enlightenment were fervent God worshippers - Galileo and Isaac Newton were prime examples, in the bible - Solomon and the apostle Paul - of men who worshipped a great and wise, powerful God, and gained great insight into ife and made tremendeous impact because God gave them wisdom into right living. These men were strong in faith, yet also mighty in wisdom.

God's word is full of natural law - all truely bible believing psychogists, exorcist/holy spirit annoited deliverence ministers, psychiatrists, physicians all respect and revere the word of God and God's own complex wisdom, a wisdom He so readily shares with us should we begin a search and hunger and ask him for these things. So many authors of the above said discipines testify that the word of God is full of insight into life and natural law- full of detailed understanding as to how the world works - planets are suspended on nothing (in the book job, which scientists say is full of scientifically proovable facts!) Solomon himself spoke extensively about nature and its princliples, the word says he could speak about the hyssop - a tiny plant to the great and mighty cedar. Jesus also had great understanding into human nature - Matt 5 the sermon on the mount testifies of this.

The word teaches us how to gain good fruit from life and work and relationships that if we do not obey these principles and transgress them on a daily basis, we proove ourselves stupid, foolish and rebellious against a God whom the bibles says personifies wisdom.

Let us seek after, call out for, search for and then apply wisdom in our lives, it will keep us from temptations - 'winding upwards from hell beneath' says the proverbs of the path of wisdom. Lets search for this path, and proove with these great and wise men that God's wisdeom trumps all other knowledge and proove that He is a mighty and wise God!!

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