Saturday, April 08, 2017

The root of the City Harvest Church Issue "Celebrity Preacher Christianity"

Personally if we want to go to the root of the issue, I would not blame Khong Hee only.

I would blame the whole celebrity preacher setup in Christianity that we have going here. We idolize our men of God and hear from them like as though we were hearing the voice of God. We depend on preachers to teach the word of God as people who have the first and last say over spiritual matters and look up to them as gurus. We come to church and consume music and a sermon and then give our money thinking its church.

I don’t think Jesus ever got into the celebrity minister gig that we aspire to, I think the apostle Paul was a discreet minister of the gospel ‘under cover of a tent making trade’ as he want anonymously to preach the gospel with little money (supporting himself with work) and serving the people of God many times out of his own funds, many times to the point of self-inflicted poverty.

The whole celebrity spiritual superstar thing in varying degrees in all churches is idolatory. We the people need to do “church” differently and think about ministry differently. Each is anointed with a portion and with gifts to spread abroad, each can supply encouragement and love to another. There is one high priest who is Jesus and only one person we should endeavour to please – Christ.

When we have thousands looking up to one man – it creates an unsustainable pressure to perform. The one-to-one touch of Jesus who ministered to 12 intimately is lost. Christianity loses its basic relational quality with which Jesus built the church by touching and ministering one to one with lost souls and bringing them into the kingdom and pouring his whole life by letting them fellowship with Him while he lived life – I imagine paul did the same by letting timothy observe firsthand how paul worked hard with his hands, led the church loved people and preached in his free time. The disciples lived with Jesus 24/7…

The early church lived and shared the word of God and friendship in homes and intimacy with one another. Today’s mega church model is an idol which has taken us far from the original design. We can still go back to that which is authentic, relational (intimate), to worship at his presence and to mediate in his word … or we can continue to look to our leaders and “services” as the end point of  all of our faith.

KH is a victim of millions of dollars in temptations which the people trusted him with. He may be alone, as many preachers and pastors are, who have not a single friend to pour their hearts to. They have the pressure of hundreds and thousands to feed. No wonder preachers and pastors are over-burdened, burnt-out and quitting, others fall victim to addictions, sins, perversions. I think its because of a system that God never intended to design and is man-made in origin.

At least Paul could say I have titus my fellow soldier, timothy my dear son in the faith to fight the good fight with. 

To me, CHC is the culmination of ungodly expectations that people have of church and how far our version of church has departed from true intentions. It was bound to happen -only sooner or later. CHC’s success killed it. The millions of dollars, the thousands in attendance.  The financial pressure of securing a million dollar site, pressure for more attendees to pay sky high rentals, pressure for more and more numbers and tithes. If your success is defined by numbers then sorry its not God’s way. Jesus achieved success with a handful at the cross. Then a worldwide gospel with a few.

Success cannot be measured in numbers but in depth of relationship with God, with people and in love.

Suggestions for improvement:

1)     Don’t take any title just be called brother so and so, sister so and so is enough and minister in love
2)     Don’t do ministry to be seen, aim for one-to-one works of love (discipleship and outwardly to the world) Avoid the temptation to be famous for anything even for God and the gospel.
3)     Humble ourselves to serve and love others always

4) Your work and secular job is the vehicle for ministry to the world - tend to it and make it good. Don't aspire to give it up to impact the world. Use that to impact the world.

Matt 23
But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,
And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues,
And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.

But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.
11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.


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