Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Modern Christianity A glut of knowledge and a shortage of love

1 Corinthians 8: 1 Knowledge promotes overconfidence and worse arrogance, but charity of the heart (love, that is) looks to build up others. [2] Just because a person presumes to have some bit of knowledge, that person doesn't necessarily have the right kind of knowledge. [3] But if someone loves God, it is certain that God has already known that one. …

Christianity today is weak. Not because of a shortage of knowledge but because of an oversupply of knowledge but the lack of practice of the genuine love of God. We are knowledgable but arrogant.  We would sooner take the place of honor than be brought down low into dishonor for the cross of Christ and for Jesus name. We would sooner act as the boss as our lord and master Jesus would than to take up towel and serve to refresh others as the master would as the lowest servant in the house without honor without position with shame and many times without any recognition. If you start behaving like the lowest servant in the house do not be surprised if some in your house especially proud believers start treating you as such. But serve the master and do not become a slave to please men. 

We lack discernment to differentiate false teaching and truth, to discern applications between teachings and apply our knowledge. We lack wisdom to know Gods way of love which is discovered through practice to live and serve others.

We would rather let others heal the woulds of the hurting than to take the time effort and trouble and finances to promote the healing of the weak and infirm and broken. The broken emotionally and physically and spirituall need care and love and much humility to treat. Festering wounds do not need the band aid of 'read your scripture or just pray'. Such Platitudes make things worse. 

The broken need shepherds who will wash the wounds of the broken with much consistency and long term commitment to the healing of their sheep. To heal the wounds of the hurting by their friendship and by their acts of service, kindness and love. Praying for some one is great but a practice act of service and love and provision is better. Today we are arrogant with knowledge weak in power and have a great shortage of love service humility and the power of God.

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