Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Moses on the mountain - Seeking God when the fight is all around

It seems to me that Moses when he worshipped God on the mountain whilst the Israelites fought below, worshipped and sought God, focusing on Him. Not being distracted by the battle and problems and Chaos below. Indeed the very choice of a high vantage point suggests that He wanted to keep his heart, his eyes and hands lifted up.

This story seems to fit with the story of Moses who sought a focused encounter to see His glory. Remember Brother Lawrence’s lesson – focusing on the majesty and person of God in the midst of chaos, pots and pans people to be fed, the everyday chaos of business to be done. Do it all focused upon God.

The lesson is simple. Seek him and worship with all your heart all the battles that rage around you - even those that others fight will be won, when our hearts are single, upon God and God alone. Elijah who impacted the Nation also followed this rule – saying to Ahab – “God, before Whom I stand” - Stand continually in His presence, before His throne, In HIs mighty presence. The dividends and consequent impact on you, your family, your nation are incalculable.

In full knowledge of the problems surrounding him, not denying their realities but wanting to be aware of a greater reality through worship. The reality of His God.

Moses knew doctrine but did not make it his focus

Did moses know doctrine? Yes, undoubtedly so - God gave him the revelation of blood, lambs bulls, goats, the holy place, the holy of Holies, the temple, a prophet which will arise in time to come who is Christ. But what was his focus? Was it on all these things? If it was He would have been found in the temple - but Yet, the scriptures say He was in his own tent, his own home and the Glory of God like a pillar of light would come and speak face to face with him, like a friend. Apparently God likes simplicity.

Coming to God in His presence - you will be cleansed, you will feel the power of the blood and the presence of the King. It will be theology in its full experience and power.

Being stripped down of all the religious activity and fare and business God likes stripped down, simple conversational arrangements in your house. Simple worship, simple conversation, heart to heart talks. The same happened with David, the Ark in a simple tent with people coming to seek Him. He liked it so much He says I will rebuild the tent of David.

Christ was not distracted by theology

If Christ were distracted by theology, then the Lord's prayer would have been as long as some as our "theologically sound" prayers. The Lords prayer and even Christ's retorts to the evil one are lessons in elegance, simplicity and heartfelt sincerity. Elijah's prayer takes 11 seconds to pray for fire to consume his enemies. Know God in firsthand experience.

God cause our hearts to live in your presence, cause us to continually dwell where you are.

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