Thursday, October 04, 2012

The Humility of Father God

love is not arrogant, love does not boast. Father God is love. therefore Our Father is not arrogant, He does not boast

Boast :- to exaggerate with pride. to take glory to one's self.

Father will say the truth about what He has done but never to boast, never to exaggerate, never to be arrogant there is no evil, no pride in God.

there is good pride -a pride born out of self sacrificial love and an evil pride born out of ambition and egotistical love of self.

just as there is good jealousy a jealousy that is born of love - and there is envy.

our Father is humble for when we see Jesus' humility we see the humility of our Father. As Jesus was willing to die on the cross being humbled as a man and a bond slave of the Father, even humbling Himself to be servant of all men, even the lowliest servant of all - to die for man's sins on the cross and to wash the feet of men.

so we see the heart of the Father the humility of the Father who stoops down who sends help, who sends His tender love who sends Jesus he son and Himself comes to lift up even the lowliest of men. Our Father.

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