Thursday, April 18, 2013

Being carried along in Gods great purpose and plan - mediations on Luke One

Mary did not strive to be spiritual or accomplish anything for God.

She was chosen by God to carry our His plan in bringing Jesus to the world.

So many times we make and put all our hopes in our own way, all our "eggs" all our heart is really following our own plan for spiritual success. Or happiness or our own vision of what we think will bring God and us the most joy. Even spiritual endeavor can be our own egos at work to prop up pride and self.

And many times we are stretched beyond our own limits beyond the boundaries of Gods grace and blessing because our hearts are not right.

Our hearts have not come to delight and rest in being taken up into Gods purpose and His great will, which also comes with great grace, empowerment and restfulness. obedience brings us to rest.

Although Mary was poor she was not overly worried about financial provision for her new baby, like we would be, or even the terror of being found out by her community which would most certainly mean death for her.

She was caught up in the beauty and worship of God Himself and His awesome plan. The first thing she does after being visited by the angel Gabriel was to visit Elizabeth whom Gabriel spoke about. To see the miracle of "nothing is impossible with God". Feed your faith on a God who does mighty wonderful impossible things. The miracle of one who is barren and now by gods power is blessed to give birth. She has a heart seeking the treasures and the wonders of Gods kingdom. That hunger no doubt qualified her for the large purposes of God.

The small the poor and insignificant in the world are not insignificant to God. She revels in the favor of God and fears not the reproach of man.

When you are caught up into Gods purpose, the son of God having the throne of David redeeming His people for Himself. There is no fear of man. There is no fear of lack of provision. There is no fear of lack of protection. God is all to you mighty riches and supply mighty comfort and peace mighty love and joy all the days even if you be a poor person in the world. You are rich in God who provides all.

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