Thursday, September 22, 2011

Notes from conversation with a friend and words in season - good counsel from the Spirit

Notes from a conversations with a friend:

"Our identity sets the tone for all we do and become. Christians who live out of who they really are cannot be crippled by the opinions of others. They don't work to fit into other people's expectations but burn with the realization of who their Father says they are." Bill Johnson

1) the breaking point is near. A container filled with water, accumulating capacity, it will break soon. To See and know God. To know the face and grace from the Father. Spiritual Hunger will be satisfied in God!

2) look at Christ who has crushed the serpents head and all other victories that are found at staring into the riches of Jesus. The internal struggle will be won with His grace.

3) Have the mind of Christ which is found in Jesus - who is perfect theology. Anything not in line with Christ, resist, renounce and throw out. Have in mind the thoughts that God thinks about us and others.

4) Use the authority that God has given in Christ be bold to speak as Christ speaks and work and act as Christ acts, it comes from within. replacing fear with adoption and boldness and right thinking. Command that shoulder to heal

5) break man pleasing to please Christ with boldness to do what is accordance to His righteousness and to obey Him in all things.

5) Strength and boldness in the knowledge that God inhabits - purity and devotion to Christ with a clean conscience is boldness before Him.

6) Shine, Shine shine the glory of the living Christ to all as we dwell in His presence.

7) lose it all to gain it all in Christ.

8) labour and work hard with the diligence that Christ provides AB Simpson Faint, yet pursuing  - Gideon

9) Love God with all the mind - use the mind's potential to love Him. 

10) Honor God through discipline 

11) release and work out the steady character and excellence of Jesus through discipline obedience and loving worship

Days of Heaven on Earth

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
It is a good thing to learn to depend upon God to work through our feeble resources and yet, while so depending, to be absolutely faithful and diligent and not allow our trust to deteriorate into indolence.
We find no sloth or negligence in Gideon or his three hundred; though they were weak and few, they were completely loyal, and everything in them-down to their last breath-was ready for God to use. Faint, yet pursuing was their watchword as they followed and finished their glorious victory. They did not rest until the last of their enemies was destroyed, and even their false friends were punished for their treachery and unfaithfulness.
God still calls the weakest instruments. When, however, he chooses and enables them, they are no longer weak but mighty through God (2 Corinthians 10:4) and faithful through His grace to every trust and opportunity. "They trust," as Dr. Chalmers used to say, "as though all depended upon God, and work as though all depended upon themselves."
Teach me, my blessed Master, to trust and obey.


Faint, yet pursuing—Judges 8:4

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