Friday, September 23, 2011

Live out the Spirit man's identity

The bible differentiates the three parts of the man - Spirit / soul /body Thessalonians 5:23

Sin and the fleshly deadly nature dwell in the flesh

The soul is your mind and personality thoughts are here too the mind and emotion

Spirit is intuition, will and thought spirit nature of God and man true essence.

We were dead spiritually the old man in Romans 6 was crucified with Him that the body might be rendered ineffective for sin. The old man is not the body. the old man is the old spirit man that works through the soul and satisfies the mind of the flesh.

Now in the Spirit man we are united with Christ. we are to live out of that new identity in the Spirit, and by the help of the Holy Spirit's further empowerment, we are expected to war against the fleshly lusts.

Colossians 3:5-9 no mention of the sinner identity to be mindful of but that you, the soul and mind can take on the identity of Christ and put off the old man.

Ephesians 4:22-24 Put off the old man, put on the new man.

We are expected to transform our souls out of the victory in the Spirit man that has already been given to us.

It doesn't matter if i am unprepared, it doesn't matter if all i have is a sling and a stone, I am your beloved i will win this for your Glory.

thank you lord we are children of your light and your purity, what potential we all have in you.

Ephesians 5:7-13

Therefore ado not become partners with them; for bat one time you were cdarkness, but now you are light in the Lord. dWalk as children of light (for ethe fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true),10 and ftry to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 gTake no part in the hunfruitful iworks of darkness, but insteadjexpose them. 12 For kit is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. 13 But when lanything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, 14 for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,

m“Awake, O sleeper,
and narise from the dead,
and oChrist will shine on you.”

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