About This Blog

Believers in Christ believe that we are sojourners, here on earth but for a brief time, to spend a greater part of our journey in the after-life. The present-life, therefore is a but brief sojourn. We are not to grow attached to the earth, thinking it will be the lasting arrangement, neither are we to cling to anything on earth with too much affection, for it will be done away with, sooner than we would like.

The experience of the earth-life is to teach us and give us glimpses and experiences of the eternal reality which we will finally make our lasting abode.

The journey from now to then is filled with danger, confusion, pain and suffering but also blessing, delight, revelation of divine love and life-changing experiences of God.

Only the words that God Himself plants in our hearts can cause us to navigate this life with any sense of confidence and certainty. Confidence in Christ is precious and must be preserved at all costs.

Sojourn is a record of God's word to the heart - it is stripped of many fancy things, it is minimalist in its aims and goals and appearance, because it is a travel aid.

It reminds us that we have to run the race stripped of many things  - may it serve to strengthen you the in the walk of faith.

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