Friday, September 02, 2011

Does God believe in the development of human potential?

God does believe in the development of human potential, not by fleshly sources but by the power of the Holy Spirit and a relationship with the divine. Developing qualities of virtue, faith. knowledge, self control, brotherly love and divine love through faith in the living god and death to self/flesh. (2 Pet 1) Partkaing of the divine nature through great and precious promises, fulfilled by faith and the Holy Spirit.

Quite a contrast with the development of carnal strength as advocated by Hitler's Nazi regime... priding themselves in genetic strength, intelligence, scientific knowledge, excellence, wealth, but manifesting in great pride, arrogance, hatred, murder etc.

The defining factor between the one and the other is what i would like to call "the decent into the valley of death". It is a place where the man through the grace of God comes to see: in me nothing good dwells. O wretched man that I am. He sees he is incapable of doing good or being good apart from Christ.

The distinction lies in the real death that occurs in the believer towards his carnal ways, a rejection and renunciation of these as well as a real spiritual reality that is created in the man: the gift of death bestowed through the Holy Spirit - this is done in union with Christ, as a man believes only in Christ to save one from oneself, to impart His death to our fleshiness. The circumcision of Christ from our fleshiness, which began at once when we first believed in Jesus but still continues long until we depart to be with Christ.

Can we be humble. Can we be good? Can we love good and do it with all our hearts? A thousand times no!

Are we loving in our hearts towards others, unselfishly? Without the element of self? somehow our love is always tainted with the intent to benefit ourselves.

His ways are higher than our ways, and our thoughts so far removed from His, the gulf is impossible to cross.

We are proud, evil, covetous, murderous, thieving, lustful, hateful and evil.

Christ is the good in us, He is the humility, He is the wisdom, He is the purity, He is the virtue, He is the godly integrity we desire. Let us cling only to Christ as our justification, our right standing with God, let us also cling to Him and depend on Him for living power to work out righteousness and virtue within us.

God's development involves a death and total rejection of man's strength and abilities: 'without You, I can do nothing'.

Christian development entirely depends not on man but on God and on God alone. For an impartation of God's grace, divine empowerment and resurrection and life - God's life being imparted, it is His work, it is His glory.

Man's own development of his self strength only brings to full manifestation his sinful nature and results in ever increasing rebellion towards God.

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