Saturday, June 29, 2013

Is God evil who allows evil?

The question of the book of Job: is God evil who allows evil?
Is He who said, “thou shall not murder” a murderer?

A thousand times no. God is just holy good, upright, without a trace of moral evil in Him - He is love.

Evil does not proceed from Him towards his saints – the actions of evil, to murder, to destroy, to afflict with sickness in Job’s story proceed from Satan’s hand. It is not God who suggests that Job be stricken by evil, it is Satan’s suggestion. Satan the destroyer’s nature is to destroy. God’s nature is to give life.

If we examine what is God’s action in the story it is is simply to transfer the saint into Satan’s hands. Which is done again with Jesus Christ, His Son. My theory is that since this world belongs to Satan anyway, and Satan says, "You have built a wall of protection around him", all God does is to lift His hand.

God brings up job in conversation to Satan, knowing what Satan will do. This shows that God allows evil in the form of the destroyer, Satan and that God uses evil for his own purpose although evil – death, destruction, and murder does not proceed from Him toward Job, His beloved saint.

Examine the action of God in Job's story, He says - "spare His life, do not touch his body".

The trial is bewildering, if we were Job we would want to know why. That God in His goodness would allow evil is a perplexing mystery, yet the evil does not come from God, and does not change the character of His goodness.

Numbers 29:29

"The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law."

There is a mysterious element in the christian faith. Its called the "mystery of the faith." Do not let that which is not revealed obscure the revealed way of God. Hold on to the revelation of who He is, He is still the same God and on the other hand allow for mystery.

In this temporal setting of earth, evil is allowed for a season to reign and operate but God exercises His redeeming power and purpose on earth through this temporal and earthly season.

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