Saturday, June 29, 2013

To be absorbed with the Righteousness of Christ

The condemnation of the enemy attacks the heart with accusation, the equipment given to us to combat it is the breastplate of righteousness - Jesus' righteousness.

It is important thus to be conscious of the perfections of Christ. The levite priests when offering the burnt offering and sin offerings on the altar of God on behalf of the people examines the sacrificial victim, the animal - are there blemishes, is there lameness on the animal? He does not bother to examine the sinner. A simple confession on behalf of the sinner is all that is required. Focus is on the Lamb.

 It did not matter- how big the sin was or how evil the sinner. Is there sin in Christ? Was there sin in His intents or thoughts? No, all of his actions and heart was the full expression of God's glory, God's perfect love. Every action, full of God's grace, full of God's mercy. Mercy and grace flows like mighty torrents from Jesus heart. Every word from his mouth justice and mercy and righteousness, His walk with God was strong and His devotion to God was complete, perfect. Every prayer was with perfect faith. For whom did He die? Is it not for you and I? Even now in heaven He stands, the symbol of God's desire to justify us, count as righteous as the Son is righteous. Jesus Christ Himself. That is the measure of your right standing with God.

Jutification - righteousness overflowing in our account

All the perfect deeds and life of Christ have been counted to us in full. Righteousness is supposed to give us that perfect confidence to approach the throne of God. Its ultimate development is in confidence and boldness before God and before men to stand strong for God.

In the same fashion, we should not overly examine ourselves for faults and flaws, but be conscious of the perfection of Christ. In spiritual warfare, in the face of the accusations of the enemy, it is also important to be conscious of God's grace and mercy.

Focus on Jesus' perfect life and intercession before the father, focus on grace.

Focus on the aspect of Christ's perfection on our behalf.

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