Monday, August 22, 2011

In a strange place

In a strange place - no spiritual experiences i want to boast in, no deep cause that is weighting my soul and driving it, no despair, neither overwhelming elation.

Strangely calmed of my fears which used to drive me, there abides a strange and unaccountable peace in my heart.

A desire to know deeply and undeniably His reality.

Stripped of expectations, of pre-conceived ideas about Him, simply as I am, reaching out for more of God, to know Him. Stripped of former zeal, zeal for the word to go to the ends of the earth.

To be filled with the fullness of God. To have His convictions deeply formed in the heart, to Have the deposit of His love driving me constantly. To Know His love for my own soul that I may know His love for every human soul.

Stripped of ambitions of dreams, I have no right to myself, to my dreams, only the right to believe for His will and His desire and to honor the Father. What does the Father desire?

I cannot do a single thing without the strength and grace which you provide.

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