Some lies and oppositions:
1) all that is preached and experienced is but 'psychological phenomena' how then will people know the truth?
The response
A) Death is real. We all have limited time on earth, what then is our life's purpose? For we must all answer this question before we die.
B) A related question to A) if death is real, how then shall we all live and spend our time on earth?
How then do we know what is true about eternity and God? Christianity proposes a unique set of ideas and beliefs seperated and totally distinct from every other world religion and it also proposes a unique way of 'knowing'.
C) "I did not choose Him but He chose me, that I may bear fruit and my fruit should remain". God Himself is in the business of saving, only He alone can save people.
D) God Himself chooses whom and when to reveal Himself to men, through human agents who preach the good news of Christ.
Heavenly revelation is A.) a strongly personal revelation of God. B.) Can be borne by prayer C.) Is an unmistakable convincing and conviction of what is true about God. The one convinced in this manner by heavenly revelation is increasingly convinced of the truth of God. That one is apprehended by God and not the other way around.
Christianity proposes that we cannot get to God by all our grasping, but in our search, God is pleased to reveal Himself, and convert and save the soul by supernatural power. IF God is not the main action taker and actor in the story of Christianity, there can be no conversion of the soul, no cleansing and saving from Sin, without whom can be no salvation.
Christianity centres on Christ. It calls men to consider this Christ.
The one, Jesus as revealed by scripture in the bible.
God is the only one whom makes everything make sense in Christianity. Without the knowledge and revelation of God Himself, all revelation and words of scripture are fragmentary and do not make any sense, whatsoever.
IF God is pleased to reveal Himself to the soul by planting the knowledge of Who He is through the holy scriptures, and then by heavenly revelation, then the soul is immediately taken from doubt and planted in conviction and knowledge of truth.
E) Christianity centres on one fact: that Jesus is alive. If He were not alive, He will not be able to speak to men nor save, nor reveal His saving power by His hand.
Either He is alive or He is dead or He never existed.
An experience with the holy scriptures and the Holy Spirit's converting power should resolve for all time for every seeker that Christ is alive in power and mighty to save. Indeed He still traverses the paths and pleads with men to be cleansed from sin and saved from hell.
F) Christianity centres on spiritual power. It is the power of God that makes men convicted on Sin, of the reality of God, of the reality of the Living Christ. without living power, there can be no authentic Christianity, no lasting and deep conviction, no strength to be saved from Sin. God proves His existence to man, not by intellect but by the manifestation of the power of the Kingdom and rule and truth of heaven. Either God is powerful and loving and involved in His power in the lives of man, or He is not the God of the bible, or He does not exist.
Christians contend that not only is God powerful, He is all-powerful, not only knowing but knowing to the depths of the secrets of the hearts. Not only loving but ultimately loving in sacrificial love, and This mighty loving God is none other than the Jesus Christ of the bible, raised up out of death, mighty and ruling in the heavens who lives in heaven, and not only in heaven but in the heart of every true Christian who receives Him to dwell in the heart.
We must all make up our minds about this God.
G) Christianity points to a hereafter, where creation, conscience and all other good things which we experience are clues to heaven, but where evil, sin, pain, torment and suffering on earth point to an unending suffering in hell. If You are apprehended by God in the way as described before, the rest of the points in G are clearly expressed in the bible which is Historically accurate truth, and ideas that Christians hold to as orthodox.
H) Biblical texts as historically accurate truth, as a medium of revelation as described above:
Biblical texts have been proven by archaeological parchments and documents and ancient languages that have been preserved more than 2000 years. If God is an active living, self-revealing God as proposed through the ages, would He 1) not reveal Himself to man 2) preserve texts as clues to who He is, and guard these texts with 3) almighty power to ensure their accuracy?
Present day bible text is translated from ancient languages, as written and accurately preserved in ancient texts. The bible texts which we hold in our hands is as accurate to the 99th percentile compared to the ancient texts which archaeology unearthed. The Bible is a living modern day miracle. If God preserves letters to men faithfully through scriptures through thousands of years, will we not spend time to find out what the bible has to say? Will we not seek God that He may grant us grace that He may reveal Himself in the way which He has outlined in the bible?
I) Christianity, the following of Christ promises the seeker that he may know God. To have a personal undeniable knowledge of Christ. To Know Him and walk with Him as Savior, as Friend and know in the soul, to fellowship and commune tangibly with God. Everyone that accepts Christ sa Savior professes to have known Him personally. Is this our experience? It is the unmistakable testimony of the ones whose testimony is contained in the bible and all believers who cling to Christ as Savior.
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