A chronicle of desert wandering. Psalm 119:19 I am a stranger in the earth: hide not thy commandments from me. Psalm 39:12 For I am your guest--a traveler passing through, as my ancestors were before me. Psalm 25:4 Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Prepare for your call
what this world needs
what this world needs
What i really want
the highest revelation is
the highest revelation is that god is love and love is the main thing the wisdom justice power and faithfulness of god's love and god who is love
Losing control, asking God to take control
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Dare we believe that sinful men such as us can bring pleasure to God?
Give me ten men
The most beautiful and pleasurable thing
Let me be fixed on this one thing to know you, that I may close my mind and eyes off every other thing to keep your love centered in my heart in all that I do.
The Orphan's Confession
"For the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God (that Christ's person is God Himself and God sent!)."
1) I have entirely pleased the father's heart through loving and trusting and believing in Christ!
2) I please the father and am entirely pleasing to Him in and through Christ's power, Godliness and workings in my life.
3) I have been perfectly reconciled to God through the divine cost and sacrifice of Jesus most precious blood and life for me.
4) I am In the Beloved One and and loved infinitely in the Father's pleasure in the Son of God. I am in the holiest place in heaven and earth - in the Son of God what is most Holy brings the Father the most pleasure and the Son of God finds His expression of holiness and power in me.
5) There is no greater privilege, honor or pleasure than this: being called His child, than being called His son, the spirit witnesses with my spirit that I am His Child, His heir and joint heir with Christ!
6) the ultimate purpose of my life is to know the height, the depth, length and breadth of Jesus love, To have more of His love, to be filled with His love for the world.
Eph 3:18-19
18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth,
(the sum of His love is greater than the sum of all my fear)
19 and to know (to experience the intimacy of, with full understanding of mind and heart) the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge (not having mere knowledge but powerful experience and inner conviction), that you may be filled with all the fullness of God,
(that i may reflect God to the world that I live in)
7) To know Him and the power of His resurrection, being conformed to His death, that i may attain to the resurrection from the dead. To experience of resurrection life and power for the purpose of conformity to Christ - in totality including His sufferings, death and resurrection.
8) Strength and beauty are mine in the glory of God's presence.
9) I am empowered by God to make decisions and take a stand and make a difference in this world for Him!
Reminders about identity
Felt God's pleasure over him as he believed and persevered in trials.
And as i spoke it over him he rejected the commendation, i had to rebuke him. But i saw myself not being able to take God's commendation of me, always rejecting it when God says i am proud of you, you are doing well.
Where there is an element where we say 'we are but unprofitable servants', there is also an element where we say, 'God, all glory to You for you have empowered me to do well for You.'
Reminded that i myself need to know most importantly that I am His son!
thoughts after speaking w Alan today
discipline to do things although i feel i need to sleep maybe i.can stretch myself to keep a half hour of exercise and wake up and do things i have to do but don't feel like doing.
buy another exercise bike so we can exercise together
i am the head of my house better take this responsibility more seriously not just spiritually but also in the natural
Monday, August 29, 2011
What I need to hear
I know God is sovereign but i need His sovereignty to manifest in close proximity in great intimacy in my life!
I need to know how to love Him and praise Him and trust Him in the face of the circumstances of my life.
We need to know how much God loves us and is sovereignly loving us despite and in the face of circumstances.
A jumble of thoughts and prayers
We are so different but that doesn't mean we don't love each other,
We just have difficulty seeing each other,
Being on the different mountains,
and the view being angled so differently
We sometimes can't see from the other side.
A prayer
Help us to respect one another's opinions and point of view to hold each other in the highest regard,
Help us to love one another, we only can with Your love!
What I miss the most
I miss most your smile, the warm sunshine glow in the mornings, when im smiling at you.
I miss most your touch when with warm love you pat my chest and stroke my hair
I miss most your eyes when they sparkle with joy.
Second prayer
Let peace as a wedding veil cover over her head, your embrace as her gown O Lord, keep us strong in the power of your love.
In all her pains, all the torments she must feel inside, set her free.
We are but broken people in your love, looking for your love.
Thank you for my wife, she is to be celebrated.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Risk management and lectures on insurance industry
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The beautiful law
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The call to leave all
These people had families to support! It was all God - God in Christ calling them, to follow after Christ, Christ their reward, God promising to provide for them and their families, God being their all in all. Everything was to be wrapped up in God.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sense of Belonging.
Hebrews 11:13
These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.
Being reminded of CS lewis's great divorce, Journeys and the fact that I will never find true and lasting peace or a sense of belonging anywhere on this earth, except in the presence of God.
Which is certain and sure hope.
Monday, August 22, 2011
In a strange place
Strangely calmed of my fears which used to drive me, there abides a strange and unaccountable peace in my heart.
A desire to know deeply and undeniably His reality.
Stripped of expectations, of pre-conceived ideas about Him, simply as I am, reaching out for more of God, to know Him. Stripped of former zeal, zeal for the word to go to the ends of the earth.
To be filled with the fullness of God. To have His convictions deeply formed in the heart, to Have the deposit of His love driving me constantly. To Know His love for my own soul that I may know His love for every human soul.
Stripped of ambitions of dreams, I have no right to myself, to my dreams, only the right to believe for His will and His desire and to honor the Father. What does the Father desire?
I cannot do a single thing without the strength and grace which you provide.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Joseph - Injustice and its conquest, what to do when you're down and life kicks you in the face
Out of the riches, the science, the progress and military might of egypt, he was counted among the poor, he did not benefit from any of its prosperity. In the nation's power and wealth, as the inhabitants enjoyed freedom, he served was deprived of all freedom, wealth, opportunity, or any promise of personal safety or security as a slave. God's covenant was still with him. The beloved son went from son to slave in a single day. He was surely a tough man to have survived and to have prospered as a slave.
He is "promoted" to prison at the height of his prowess. Some people get double promotions and everything seemingly goes well for them, but not Joseph. Godly, God worshipping Joseph gets only double injustice done to him, and for honouring God, God deems it fit to further prune and scourge his vessel.
He walks a holy man branded as a rapist, he suffers the shame of being falsely accused, the shame and stinging injustice. His home is now the hardest, hardcore jail in the biggest and most advanced nation in the ancient world. At a time where he could be serving with kings, he instead worships and served God with rapists, and murderers on death row, thieves, white-collar criminals, bandits, robbers, petty thieves and the falsely accused. A hardened lot, the waste of society, the forgotten.
You don't get much lower than this in life.
What does prison do to a mind?
How does a man's environment shape a man?
What was the ancient prison system like?
He could either become weary and dispirited but grew instead in wisdom in power and in authority instead. His growth in God and character was progressive through the injustice. Life and its injustices could not stop the man from growing only more and more fruitful.
Until surrounded by murderers and rapists, he becomes their leader, a captain, winning their respect, he serves these people in prison, gives the place order, brings something of God's kingdom and leadership to the place he was. A rough place, an unpleasant place. Joseph blesses the ground he is planted in, no matter how foul it is the more life stings at him with injustice, the more Godly, humble, wise the man becomes.
David did the same in the wilderness, still fighting for the benefit of the kingdom of Israel, and fighting for God though branded an outlaw.
One of the toughest things in life is to will to do good and persist in it when life and people treat you bad, when the very ground you are planted in is choking you. Yet God has power to prosper a man and make him overcome his environment and do good in the face of evil and injustice.
Joseph does this through doing good, he overcomes the injustice in his heart, the hurt the disappointment the anger and hurt of being left for dead seemingly, Yet God never leaves him in his long and winding and lonely trial. How lonely it must have been to be Joseph.
Long before he is promoted to the throne, the man had conquered disappointment his own heart and the hearts of the prisoners too with good and wisdom, with God.
In the end Joseph would work to bless the very city which imprisoned and enslaved him wrongfully, which took away his justice and in which he suffered their chains.
Is that not much like Christ, who though being crucified by men still lives to bless and forgive them? The followers of Christ bear His likeness.
Are you in a prison of hurt, of pain of injustice, of anger with God and men and circumstances, yet God has not left you. His presence is still with you. He is lifting you up in the midst of it all to stand in your place. It might be a bitter, foul place but God is with you to help you grow and stand and you will with God's help overcome and stand strong in your place and at the right time, God will lift you up. Dont be pre-occupied with how God will lift you up, He is mighty and a miracle working God He has no problems with the miracle, with lifting you up. But will you not be like Joseph, committing your soul to God in the midst of your trial and trust in His goodness, would you not commit your soul to God as a a righteous judge. Who is not an unjust God who does not know what He is doing. You have worshipped Him, you have sought Him but things have only become worse. God loves you as God loves Joseph. Immensely. When God looked down at the 12 children of Jacob, Joseph was his favourite, God had to break the pride and self dependence out of him before He could use him. If you suffer it is not because God does not love you, It might just be because you are one of His most beloved. God had to break the pride and self dependence and self strength in the man. Faith in God was then rebuilt into Him. He breaks us so that we may hold a strong blessing, later. For now only trust and rest in Your Father's arms for He loves you, let Him rebuild you and trust fully in His time, His power and goodness. Surely the promise holds true: He will exalt you in due time. Keep growing in the likeness of Christ right where you are.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Binding Satan?
Matthew 18:18
18 Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed [6] in heaven. 19 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
Matthew 16
17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock [2] I will build my church, and the gates of hell [3] shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed [4] in heaven.” 20 Then he strictly charged the disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ.
Matthew 10:1
and 2 Tim 2:26
Why i choose to believe
1) having experienced deep emotional healing
2) having experienced the strengthening power of the holy spirit when an insomniac.
3) Having experienced the abundant grace of God for my life every trial i have faced.
What i choose to believe
What I choose to believe
Christ's death, Resurrection for me to save me, I choose to trust His saving power.
Romans 1:16
For the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation - deliverance, healing, power, wisdom and strength for all who believe.
From the Greek Lexicon:
Salvation : Soteria in the Greek -
- deliverance, preservation, safety, salvation
- deliverance from the molestation of enemies
- in an ethical sense, that which concludes to the souls safety or salvation
- of Messianic salvation
- salvation as the present possession of all true Christians
- future salvation, the sum of benefits and blessings which the Christians, redeemed from all earthly ills, will enjoy after the visible return of Christ from heaven in the consummated and eternal kingdom of God.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
May I never stop being thankful
A word
O God keep me humble O God.
"who you are is good enough"
"the gifts and the callings of God are without repentance" - God does not change His mind with regard to His purposes.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Words of the spirit
Ushering and praying and ushering people from death into life means staying w jesus and being full of life knowing the one who is life
Thursday, August 04, 2011
The building of a leader
David was leading from the wilderness in deep trial of affliction, way before he learnt to be king - not having any recognition, not even being able to have or garner support from any other source in society - branded an outlaw, it was tested as to what he really believed, convictions were formed, things which were worth fighting for in His soul were won before the outward victory and success. God was His strength His conviction His power. Battles of the heart and over the minds of men were won before the large scale battles they would fight later on...
I need to make it immediate in my heart, i need to prepare myself and act for my goal to come to pass.
Faith in Action
Utter foolishness yet mighty power and wisdom.
Who would have thought that believing in a story can change a life forever?
Who would have thought speaking to your challenges will solve them?
Who would have thought praising God can rout armies?
An answer to doubts about God's word and truth
18 For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written,
and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.”
God has prepared something for us
6 Yet among the mature we do impart wisdom, although it is not a wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are doomed to pass away. 7 But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. 8 None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
nor the heart of man imagined,
what God has prepared for those who love him”—
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Facing death, Facing Judgement
I knew that I was bound for hell.
I felt the weight of sin, so black so terrible in my heart, and the saviours love to bear it all away.
I knew I was saved from the depths of my being I remember knowing that I was set apart from the other children.
Facing death, I am assured of His work and the testimony of the cross that has fully pardoned my sin. In my heart I am assured of His love and power to save me fully.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Religion is but a fantasy an opiate of the masses.
Christ answers by His word of power and authority' - stretch out your hand' one was made as whole as the other.
Christ answers by acts of selfless love and sacrifice. Michael Orr's story in the blindside defines Christianity
Christ proves His sovereignty over present powers of the flesh and Satan and breaks bondages. Christ answers by setting people free. Tell the man who had experienced a miracle that Christ was not god, that the one who healed him restoring his sight was merely a man. Try then to get Him to deny his faith then threaten him you may have on your hands martyr. We cannot deny things that have happened to us. Tell the man who has been freed from heroin addiction by the power of the Holy Spirit, tell those who in bondage to sin have gained freedom in Christ.
Tell those who in spiritual death have been raised to life in Christ are they the same people? Can they deny what has happened to them? We must go on to receive the power of spiritual life and have our faith confirmed or we are sure or stagnate into spiritual sleep and stupor.
Far from being an opiate, faith in Christ makes one rise up from fear and oppression and fills one with Godly boldness, the spiritual life makes keen the mind and senses, it emboldens a person to take up challenges and surmount impossibilities. Faith takes the weak and fills them with power. It makes one love the life that now is and live this one life to the fullest.
Christ upholds and uplifts the poor, he heals and integrates personalities, he gives a man dignity and worth and praise on His lips. He gives strength to the poor not through violence but through restraint.
Christ restores broken marriages, the lowest and weakest of people that society rejects and women which society commodifies Christ restores to dignity. Christ restores respect and addresses the abuses from sin. He delivers from mental and spiritual torments through His power.
All that is preached and experienced is but 'psychological phenomena' how then will people know the truth?
1) all that is preached and experienced is but 'psychological phenomena' how then will people know the truth?
The response
A) Death is real. We all have limited time on earth, what then is our life's purpose? For we must all answer this question before we die.
B) A related question to A) if death is real, how then shall we all live and spend our time on earth?
How then do we know what is true about eternity and God? Christianity proposes a unique set of ideas and beliefs seperated and totally distinct from every other world religion and it also proposes a unique way of 'knowing'.
C) "I did not choose Him but He chose me, that I may bear fruit and my fruit should remain". God Himself is in the business of saving, only He alone can save people.
D) God Himself chooses whom and when to reveal Himself to men, through human agents who preach the good news of Christ.
Heavenly revelation is A.) a strongly personal revelation of God. B.) Can be borne by prayer C.) Is an unmistakable convincing and conviction of what is true about God. The one convinced in this manner by heavenly revelation is increasingly convinced of the truth of God. That one is apprehended by God and not the other way around.
Christianity proposes that we cannot get to God by all our grasping, but in our search, God is pleased to reveal Himself, and convert and save the soul by supernatural power. IF God is not the main action taker and actor in the story of Christianity, there can be no conversion of the soul, no cleansing and saving from Sin, without whom can be no salvation.
Christianity centres on Christ. It calls men to consider this Christ.
The one, Jesus as revealed by scripture in the bible.
God is the only one whom makes everything make sense in Christianity. Without the knowledge and revelation of God Himself, all revelation and words of scripture are fragmentary and do not make any sense, whatsoever.
IF God is pleased to reveal Himself to the soul by planting the knowledge of Who He is through the holy scriptures, and then by heavenly revelation, then the soul is immediately taken from doubt and planted in conviction and knowledge of truth.
E) Christianity centres on one fact: that Jesus is alive. If He were not alive, He will not be able to speak to men nor save, nor reveal His saving power by His hand.
Either He is alive or He is dead or He never existed.
An experience with the holy scriptures and the Holy Spirit's converting power should resolve for all time for every seeker that Christ is alive in power and mighty to save. Indeed He still traverses the paths and pleads with men to be cleansed from sin and saved from hell.
F) Christianity centres on spiritual power. It is the power of God that makes men convicted on Sin, of the reality of God, of the reality of the Living Christ. without living power, there can be no authentic Christianity, no lasting and deep conviction, no strength to be saved from Sin. God proves His existence to man, not by intellect but by the manifestation of the power of the Kingdom and rule and truth of heaven. Either God is powerful and loving and involved in His power in the lives of man, or He is not the God of the bible, or He does not exist.
Christians contend that not only is God powerful, He is all-powerful, not only knowing but knowing to the depths of the secrets of the hearts. Not only loving but ultimately loving in sacrificial love, and This mighty loving God is none other than the Jesus Christ of the bible, raised up out of death, mighty and ruling in the heavens who lives in heaven, and not only in heaven but in the heart of every true Christian who receives Him to dwell in the heart.
We must all make up our minds about this God.
G) Christianity points to a hereafter, where creation, conscience and all other good things which we experience are clues to heaven, but where evil, sin, pain, torment and suffering on earth point to an unending suffering in hell. If You are apprehended by God in the way as described before, the rest of the points in G are clearly expressed in the bible which is Historically accurate truth, and ideas that Christians hold to as orthodox.
H) Biblical texts as historically accurate truth, as a medium of revelation as described above:
Biblical texts have been proven by archaeological parchments and documents and ancient languages that have been preserved more than 2000 years. If God is an active living, self-revealing God as proposed through the ages, would He 1) not reveal Himself to man 2) preserve texts as clues to who He is, and guard these texts with 3) almighty power to ensure their accuracy?
Present day bible text is translated from ancient languages, as written and accurately preserved in ancient texts. The bible texts which we hold in our hands is as accurate to the 99th percentile compared to the ancient texts which archaeology unearthed. The Bible is a living modern day miracle. If God preserves letters to men faithfully through scriptures through thousands of years, will we not spend time to find out what the bible has to say? Will we not seek God that He may grant us grace that He may reveal Himself in the way which He has outlined in the bible?
I) Christianity, the following of Christ promises the seeker that he may know God. To have a personal undeniable knowledge of Christ. To Know Him and walk with Him as Savior, as Friend and know in the soul, to fellowship and commune tangibly with God. Everyone that accepts Christ sa Savior professes to have known Him personally. Is this our experience? It is the unmistakable testimony of the ones whose testimony is contained in the bible and all believers who cling to Christ as Savior.
Monday, August 01, 2011
Our age
We need a powerful message that is able to shake and jarr this age to repentance to grip spirits in the hand of Gods holy love, able to shake out of apathy, able to demonstrate courage love wisdom and sacrifice to this world.
Able to purify and transform.
The cross remains that message, the Son of God stretches out His arms in acts of mercy, compassion, His message still piercing, His glory still unending, His victory still continuing today.
Make us a message of your cross, messengers and witnesses of Christ to the age in which we live.
Abraham's Sacrifice
No religious follower of religious laws could perform such an act of obedience with full love : only one who saw and knew God intimately. Who realized the measureless worth of the one to whom the smallness of his sacrifice, could not be compared. The Great Reward.
The time of the harvest
A terrifying thought to the wicked but surely comfort and rejoicing of all who do good for the glory of that name.