Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Truth and its discovery of man, pressing on towards Zion.

I subscribe to the christian worldview and theories of man, as true, not because they are one opinion of many and the most plausible one because of cogently argued logic. The bible does contain profound and wonderfully sound logic and arguments and positions put forth, but that these are 'true' to me are not because of them.

They are true to me because of the gift of the grace of conviction of their truths. In other words, man does not discover the truth of God. God who is truth grabs hold of man and discloses Himself. In other words, in Christianity, we are not searching for the truth as much as the truth is searching for us. Christianity is the only religion in the world that is founded on the basis that truth discovers man and makes him true. (See apostle paul's conversion for a dramatized version of this.)

God wants to disclose Himself through revelation and grace. Although a man might search the scriptures, and search for God with his heart, somewhere along the way, necessarily, God himself apprehends, grabs hold of, man. In between the truths and thoughts communicated in the bible, the Holy Spirit reaches out to man and plants inescapable conviction of their reality in the heart.

I believe and subscribe to it whole heartedly because its positions have been irrefutably been prooven by me in undeniable experience.

I am sinner, prooven by the perfect law applied to my heart, wretched, fallen, corrupted, in sin, without hope of salvation on my own could never be saved, never be redeemed, having need for redemption, God has come near and sought me and purchased me for sweet forgiveness, to show His grace, righteousness, mercy, I possess a cry within, a longing for a Father and the need to belong, experiencing in part reconciliation with God and sweet divine fellowship, these positions are my privllage to experience and proove as a Christian. Through God's conviction of truth, through His word in my heart, I understand through the Holy Spirit's light and I examine my life and I find these to be reality.

We go through the depths of sorrows for sin and the heights of sweet divine grace. Grace all the sweeter and all the more glorious as a man travels through and is led to see his own condition in the dark and deep valleys of sin and death. The Holy Spirit then leading us up to the mountain heights to gaze upon the glory of the cross where grace divne takes its most glorious place in our hearts, having been prepared by the journey aforesaid. The eye fixes on the wonderful cross, framed in the brightest, highest place by the depths of dark and deep gloom below, kept in the heart as the hope and the glory of the Christian through all his journeyings through life. The deeper I go into conviction of Sin, the higher is the revelation of redemption, grace abounding more abounding abundantly for me. It is not for me to journey into the valley myself, it is the Holy Spirit who leads each one to see both the valley and the mountain on which the cross is planted.

If I know that there is redemption, having tasted of it and experienced its reality presently, the goodness of grace in part, I make it my aim to press on to its full revelation, experience and outworking until i come into the full manifestation of God's redemption and glory.

This is pressing on towards Zion.

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