business idea: business advice must be essentially steeped in christian values, as well as every other practice in the Busines must be centred on Christian Ethos.
'It has to benefit society in every action that it takes, it has to keep in mind a objective to create jobs for people not take them away, to give knowledge, spark enthusiasm in workers, not empower corporations to take away jobs to push down wages, it has to create wealth through original ideas and thinking and benefit society as its end in every objective and action and bias. It is strongly biased towards the Kingdom of God in everyway'
A Kingdom biased approach to revenue generation. It is a business first not a church. a business primarily exists to provide jobs and create a living for its employees. it however pursues a methodology of being a kingdom biased pursuit of revenue. It is intently sales focused and revenue centred. Charges are done based on Man hours worked. Relevance to the market is essential, without which, the business dies.
Seeks to proove: seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness, and He will add unto you all that you need.
Balance the above statement with a n almost worldly wisdom of practicality: do the thing which will generate sales and cash first. other things are good ideas which do not generate cash and hence cannot be acted upon unless the cash is in first. we have lofty aims but must get there square inch by square inch.
It is profit driven, but Christ Driven more than profit driven. Profits are invested into people - staff. learning, systems, profit sharing, transparent accounting to stakeholders, it seeks to change society in more ways than one: tithes, it goes on mission trips together, ownership of it belongs to the people.
God, if this is not you, lead me out of it, i want nothing to do with it. if it is You, Please speak to me and confirm it and provide all that you will for it for your own purpose to be done on earth.
'Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth'.
How than shall the christian business prosper if not for God Himself who feeds and fights for it, without God it will die for it is a weak and begarly thing in a strong and immoral world. its convictions predispose it not to prosper for it cannot do, cannot touch certain things that secular businesses with no moral afflilation can do. its advice also seems begarly and poor compared to worldly wise wisdom of these things i am all too aware.
On the other hand it will ultimately test our faith,
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