Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My generation

People of my generation like comfort the word sacrifice is inconvenient Even an abomination to us.
The values of my generation are comfort, riches, security. Love we'll take if it costs us nothing. We don't question or seek for meaning because comfort is meaningful enough.

We work hard being very pragmatic about it 'what is in this for me?' is the key to the heart. And we want to know - does it work? work to give me good pay, work to give me the status i need, work to give me a sense of importance i struggle to attain everyday?

We don't like the word commitment. Church without commitment ok I'll take it, home group without commitment is alright, commit to a brother or sister to the death is a thought as foreign to our minds as Mars is to the planet earth.

Reading is horrendous torture, so is Investigating or seeking. We don't question why or where we are going as long as we are in motion we are satisfied. No one stops looks up to ask why is this so? Is this right? Courage in our day is foreign.

Reading the bible is even worse torture. For how can I understand something so foreign? How am I expected to seek resources needed to understand? Pray? I cant's stand silence or worse-boredom. PRay without sensation - just to believe are you mad? I already work so hard I will let a professional work to break it down for me so I can get an understanding without paying any price, let a professional pray for me i dont need to spend anytime to do that do I?

Hopefully the preaching the authentic gospel of Christ will change those things. Not the feel good prosperity gospel, not the success now gospel, not 'no cost Christianity gospel', not the 'you are everything, the centre of the universe' man exaulting gospel. But the compelling beauty of Christ Himself, saving lost human beings from sin, and a Christless eternity, with righteousness, holiness, integrity and compassion. Where the weary have a rest, homeless and family-less have warmth, acceptance and love and where we will commit ourselves to fight for one another as Christ poured out His life for us. We will commit ourselves to the word and prayer and not be distracted from receiving all Christ has purchased and live our lives in this world radically for Him.

Beneath the surface There is pain beneath the surface there is need, beneath this bright city there are cries for help, beneath the rubble of lives broken, seemingly together. Christ comes in power to heal and give true and eternal hope.

Sent from my iPhone

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