The Manifest presence of God is not the general - 'God is here and there and everywhere' - all present -"omnipresence" of God.
Manifest Presence -
It is the manifestation of God's holy presence amongst His people - tanglible, real, where He speaks and reveals the weight of His character, the weight of His kabod, glory His substance, weightyness. A tanglible 'something' that you know that place is holy because He is there. A tanglible God is here - we better fear and tread carefully kind of thing.
They could not stand in it in Solomon's Temple. Spiritually Slain is biblical - your legs cannot support the weight of His glory.
"being filled continually in the Holy Spirit, not drunk with wine, nor pleasure nor worldliness, but filled with God - God's power, wisdom, character, holiness, authority, in short, God Himself." - a very valid and christian and biblical experience.
'Christ in you, the Hope of Glory' 'you have overcome Satan - greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world'. a concious presence of God producing a concious victory over the evil one. you can keep Satan under you feet with this. 'The God of peace will soon crush Satan underneath your feet.'
A present, God with you, fighting God casts out the presence of the evil one anytime, any day, in any confrontation, on anyplace on earth. It is the mightiest weapon in our arsonal it is God Himself come down - O taht you would come down O lord - the mountains smoke when you touch them, the whole place is ablaze like horeb. the earth quakes beneath your feet O mighty God.
Realizable, concious experience. you Know it you KNOW He is there. You KNOW he is in you! There is strong boldness in it. strong confidence to face His enemies. praise God!
It is the prophet's hunger - That I may know you and the glory of who you are. Show us Your glory O God let that be the protion of my household! Let us be like Obed-edom's house which you were there - the Ark of the covenant Your living presence, blessing everything he did and touched, prospering the man in everyway, blesing Him, like adam and eve in the garden with You. Return us to that.
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