Singapore was once a wasteland, without law - one man's vision turned the wasteland and created the saftey we enjoy today. Lee Kwan Yew went to London, saw a stack of newspapers unattended, lying next to an open streetside, he was astounded that people did not take them for themselves but actually paid money before taking them. He envisioned a Singapore where this was to be so, and worked to create that reality. Singapore was a place where violence and triads ruled at the time. the saftey of our homeland is in no small part owning to the severe laws that our land has against murder, theft, violence, drug trafficking etc. The rule of law in a society makes life bearable and defends and protects all that is good in life.
The original spirit and intent of the law in society is for the defence of the poor, children and the uneducated, the weak, all minorities that have no strength and no voice. It acts as a shield against violations, to protect life and make it grow. God's law in Exodus states many written laws (statutes) that protect the weak against violations - laws protecting the rights of the stranger (foreigner, minority) the orphan, the widow. The Law protects weaker individuals from violations from stronger individuals. The law teaches that to murder is sin because man is created in the image of God. this gives society the foundations to live with dignity.
Without the rule of law, the individual has no rights and consequently no recourse against injustice. when you are stolen from, how can you say 'stealing is wrong and you will be brought to justice', apart from pointing to a plain and objective written code that states clearly that stealing is wrong and will be punished. The severity of the punishment met out then creates order, a pattern in which people learn to fear, if they do not love doing what is right, they will fear the punishment which comes from doing that which is wrong. that creates predictable behaviors that allows society to function. without law, there can be no Justice, logically it flows that there can be no life.
The whole basis of the law is founded on the teaching of what is right and wrong in human nature. The law is clear and by no means fuzzy and provides lazer sharp definitions of that which is good behavior (graces and virtues) and that which is sin (evil and hateful)in mankind. there must be an absolute standard of what is right (righteousness) and that which is sin for mankind to be educated to love the good and hate evil. that is the original intent and spirit of the law which the Apostle Paul says is 'holy, just and good' (romans 7) which ultimately reflects God's holy just and absolute character. God is good (white) sin is hateful and wrong (black) these things are clear in God's word. Sin takes after the character of Satan and (righteousness (which includes right doing) takes after the character of God. Sin ultimately is the rebellion against the character of God's goodness, rejecting Him and rebelling against him to go our own way. The flesh is ultimately corrupt and rejects God's law, the flesh argues that what I feel is right, there is no absolute truth or absolute standard that can hold me accountable. The flesh recoils at the thought of admitting itself evil and wrong. The flesh is ultimately prideful and doees not want to submit unto God's ways and His absolute truth.
The law utimately brings us guilty (Romans 1-3) to Christ for forgiveness that no one can say anything before the perfect law as all are found guilty and all must be forgiven.
Judgement is a brother to the Law, and like the Law proceeds from God, it is an expression of His holiness. God does not tolerate Sin. Sin, unrepented sin in the presence of the Holy God produces only death and judgement that proceeds from His throne. God is absolutely just and Holy. however the word also teaches that He is also great in lovingkindness and grace.grace also proceeds from God's throne. it is no less Holy than the Law and leads us to change, to repent and admit that we are wrong. without grace, man can never have a leagal basis to have a relationship with God. and without that relationsihip man can never do right. 1) because he has no power to do so 2) because the law only activates flesh in a man and reveals the sinfulness of sin (taken from romans again. Only in knowing the preciousness and power of grace can a man become Godly, holy and please God.
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