Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Insights from my private struggles with fear

1) Fear empowers the object that you fear to have control over you.

2) The fear of God allows His rule and reign in your life, allowing Him to be a controlling factor in lifeand decision making.

3) Fear is a choice that grows on you. it applies to demonic fears or the fear of God. Choose to fear God! Consider Him mightier, wiser, in control, faithful and just and good, more than powerless powers, authorities & gods (demons and men whom they use).

4) To break a big longstanding fears, requires big grace (a revelation of God's love), big choices (unrelenting will), big courage (faith to face your fears) and big resilience (endurance to see it through to freedom), all of which would be useless but for the fact that God in heaven responds to faith inspired action on earth, and spends His mighty Spirit to set us free from all fear giving us supernatural peace, faith and assurance, it is nothing less than the actioin and movement of God himself that breaks demonic bondages.

5) God is a God that loves and prizes freedom,evidences are that 1) He set Israel free from egypt, 2) wrote in Galatians: it was for freedom that Christ has set us free, do not succumb any longer to a yoke of bondage! and 3) in Romans that we have not received a spirit of slavery again to fear but a spirit of Sonship and freedom to be God's children. Therefore its is God's own character and word that promises freedom from fear. Stand and believe and experience the freedom that comes from God which He sends in the Holy Spirit! Trust God and refuse to fear.

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth,
to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal (those who are faith-ful who have a fatih based relationship) to Him.”
2 Chronicles 16:9a (NKJV)(my own rendering in italics)

6)consider the God factor in Christ: He will back up his promise by personally coming into your being and personally, mightily break your chains of fear which Jesus came to break (isaiah 61)He will reside in you and bring you to freedom.

7) it is no small work to trust and believe in God - this Jesus says is the way we work the works of God (John 6) Believing is the whole crux of the Christian faith - Simply to believe that He who He says He is and does what He says He does despite all opposition. When we believe He is the Son of God, we overcome the evil one and the world .

Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
(1 John 5: 5)

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