Saturday, May 10, 2014

Paratrooping in God's direction - Following the Spirit of the Lord when you're lost

The disconcerting feeling of being lost and having no idea what to do next is a typical experience of living life on earth and yet we are to be led by the Holy Spirit, a following which requires much skill, maturity and wisdom to pull off. All this is written out of my personal losses and some gains which I hope will benefit somebody.

Living this life has many similarities to being a paratrooper, a parachute solider dropped by an aircraft, sent behind enemy lines and in enemy territory to disrupt the enemy’s activities. The land is filled with ambushes and danger. People you come across may be allies or not. And most of all we are bewildered and lost most of the time, trying to navigate our way with a focus on the Kingdom of heaven whilst in a land which is ruled by the principalities and powers of the air the evil one and his dominion, until the lord reclaims all the world which is really His.

A few thoughts on following the holy spirit whilst living life.

1)   Stealth is an asset

2)   Need for courage, not to freak out because conditions are not ideal. Parachute soldiers spend most of their time being lost simply because they have no Idea where they are

3)   Need to get to know your compass and map – the word of God and the character of God so as to be composed and calm

4)   Wisdom to handle all matter of crazy situations because life, like war is messy. Expect the unexpected. Murphy’s law does happen. There are days when everything goes wrong and then some.

5)   Courage, the Guts to survive – in the midst of everything, we are the Lords operatives and agents of his kingdom.

6)   Need for constant radio contact – prayer, praying in the spirit, seeking for direction and wisdom at every step, praying for courage and strength at every juncture, coming to the lord with every new challenge and the unique need of each circumstance.

7)   Rashness is a great liability. There is a need for patience simply because making rash and wrong moves are costly could cost you your life

8)   Therefore in seeking the direction of the Holy Spirit, we need for clear, practicable instruction and growing certainty about what God is saying, what He said to us before, what He is saying now and a strong confidence He is speaking, something which is developed over time over a habit of seeking and learning to hear his voice. I have a friend who when he prays will dialogue and talk to the lord about the directions he feels that the God is leading him in, the directions, if they are from God either become clearer and more detailed, wisdom is received to do them or if they are not from God, God tells him so.

 If there is uncertainty depending on the stakes- if they are very high, it might be best to hold. Pray, seek a delay, seek for counsel and wisdom from the wise before moving ahead.

9)   Always move with wisdom if possible because if there is directive and direction, without wisdom and without the certainty which God imparts through talking to God about the issue, the mission is almost certainly doomed to failure. Lets not bar the times when God says do it and we obey and things do happen as they did happen in the scriptures.

10)   Sometimes God does lead us through the valley of the shadow of death so that we may cling tighter to him. Don’t freak out when God leads you to battle believe that He is still God and trust Him even more to lead you out of it. He did lead David to many trials and his saints also are commanded to pick up their cross. Pray for strength to go through deep suffering.

11) Seek the counsel of Godly, experienced and wise when stuck

12)  Lastly, always endeavour to obey what you strongly feel as Gods impressions completely

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