Shepherd is supposed to lay down his life for the sheep not become the star everyone looks to. To sacrifice more than others in the service of their faith. To give and love and be lower on the rung as a servant. Even the lowest servant. Not to lord over and command. Not to take the place as father and lord. but servant.
Be real, be vulnerable, resist the
temptation to look bigger than human, more than just human. Be intimately acquainted with your own faults and weaknesses. Resist the the force that
pressures you to be ‘the man’. Only God is the man, only God can fill the void
of people’s hearts. Boast in weaknesses and failings. So that God's grace and power can be exemplified.
If you focus on the numbers, you will lose
that personal touch.
Exhibit humility and transparency.
Take a step back intentionally. So that God
can move. Be a
facilitator the man in the back seat cheering others on praying in the
background and not the man in front which is doing all the work. Make space for
people to rise up into their call into their gifting. Make space for people to speak and work and pray and contribute to the gathering.
For I know In me dwells the sin nature which only wants itself to be self-important - like Satan whose pride caused him to seek worship and self adoration. And this sin works to make it all about me at the expense of a focus and glory on Christ. So the only way is to embrace the cross to die to self for sin has to be killed and God has to deal with that and to claim by faith in Christ a life of humility.
Humility and redirecting the honour 1 Cor 12 tells me that leaders are to create a culture in which
1) We are mutually reliant on one another which means all the members in the body of Christ not just one. We need one another especially the parts which seem weaker poorer and more despised because the bible calls them more vital
2) The body is to honour the weaker and more dishonourable parts v23. 'bestow on them more abundant honour'
3) Presentable parts no need honour because honour is given in the exercise of your presentable gifting/talent. Honour is inherent in the task itself.
4) v25 "members are to have the same care for one another" the body of christ is to have an equality regulator built into its culture.
5) The weak are to be given more care - more generosity and more help, more kindness, more honour to rehabilitate them to wholeness because God honours and saves and seeks the poor! Book of James says God saves has an especial favour towards those who are weak and poor.
Imagine a culture like that!
For I know In me dwells the sin nature which only wants itself to be self-important - like Satan whose pride caused him to seek worship and self adoration. And this sin works to make it all about me at the expense of a focus and glory on Christ. So the only way is to embrace the cross to die to self for sin has to be killed and God has to deal with that and to claim by faith in Christ a life of humility.
Humility and redirecting the honour 1 Cor 12 tells me that leaders are to create a culture in which
1) We are mutually reliant on one another which means all the members in the body of Christ not just one. We need one another especially the parts which seem weaker poorer and more despised because the bible calls them more vital
2) The body is to honour the weaker and more dishonourable parts v23. 'bestow on them more abundant honour'
3) Presentable parts no need honour because honour is given in the exercise of your presentable gifting/talent. Honour is inherent in the task itself.
4) v25 "members are to have the same care for one another" the body of christ is to have an equality regulator built into its culture.
5) The weak are to be given more care - more generosity and more help, more kindness, more honour to rehabilitate them to wholeness because God honours and saves and seeks the poor! Book of James says God saves has an especial favour towards those who are weak and poor.
Imagine a culture like that!
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