Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pursue beauty or pursue systematic theology one leads to death the other leads to life.

Systematic theology and genuine mysticism are two diametrically opposed systems

Systematic theology at its extreme - is mans' attempt to impose a system of control over God, control over the form of God - conceptual control as well as control over the presence and power of God. Making the whole endeavour of relating to God conceptual in nature. Removing and replacing conversational prayer with pre programmed liturgy. Removing the heart and the spontaneity of human initiative, responses and desires with rigid, programmed external responses. Removing the very presence of God from people who need it.

Carried to an extreme, it removes from its own concept the genuine theology of knowledge of God, which is born from a relationship with the Spirit of God through the living word of God. In the process removing the dynamic life in responses of the heart’s encounter with the Holy Spirit, from spiritual endeavour.

Good theology leads to true mysticism, a genuine experience of God’s Spirit, which results in a transformed life - a life which most looks like Christ, which desires to do the Fathers will.

Systematic theology fosters a mans loyalty to creeds and common beliefs and systems and church traditions, but never quite cements a loyalty to following the person of Christ who is bigger than any creed or system of belief.

As a result programmes and human effort sprout like weeds in an attempt to create spiritual impact which is impossible for the source of these activity are but man’s fleshly effort to work God’s miracles.

Its fruit never produces the calming rest that comes from intimacy. Knowledge puffs up – ultimately it produces arrogance and pride instead of humility and love.

It seeks a place of authority, absolute knowledge and control over the uncontrollable – the nature of the mystery of God. We are called to  walk with God and experience Him not to control Him.

The Things of God surpass knowledge, these are things which cannot be controlled by man. For God is in heaven he does what he wills. We are called to walk in intimacy of experience. Not to have control and power over religious experiences.

Systematic theology at its extreme produces thought control in the same manner systematic Aryan master race beliefs produced thought control measures in Nazi Germany. An attempt to create a brainwashed people with no initiative, with mouths and hearts full of creeds and blind loyalty. People must be set free to think the thoughts of God through the spirit of God. The must be set free to Come alive in the sprit of God in spiritual endeavour which is created through prayer.

The systematic theologian calls what is genuinely mechanical, barbaric, parochial, dogmatic, narrow and nonsensical - noble, lovely beautiful and good.

Systematic theology in its ultimate growth produces Phariseeism, which persecutes true mysticism.

Beauty and the nobleness of the quest for beauty

God calls us to seek true beauty - Paul says in Philippians, "think about what is lovely, true, good, noble, beautiful" The person of God is beautiful, the presence of God is beautiful. "That I may see the beauty of your person in your sanctuary" worshipping in the beauty of your holiness - psalms 27. 

True mysticism is an attempt to experience the unknown - it contains romance and mystery. To unravel and chase, to pursue and be romantically involved yes totally committed in intimate experience with God. It is altogether life and life more abundantly.

It contains intimate worship total yieldedness, submission. It contains romance - a youthful idealism of being caught up and set ablaze with the passions of love. (song of Solomon)

The greatest desire is the strong impulse to love God

To be set alight with desire - not only good desires - great desires, yes even the greatest desire of all. The desire to love God with all desire.

Christ is the desire of our hearts. He is the desire of all nations. So the desire for beauty and freedom from sin and narrowness, the desire to love God above all things are great desires. We should recognise them for what they are - the desires born by the Holy Spirit in the man through man's contact with the Spirit of God.

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