A chronicle of desert wandering. Psalm 119:19 I am a stranger in the earth: hide not thy commandments from me. Psalm 39:12 For I am your guest--a traveler passing through, as my ancestors were before me. Psalm 25:4 Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Post script notes on Himself
Himself - A. B Simpson
Monday, December 09, 2013
Being real and human as a leader - Article from christianity today
Shepherd is supposed to lay down his life for the sheep not become the star everyone looks to. To sacrifice more than others in the service of their faith. To give and love and be lower on the rung as a servant. Even the lowest servant. Not to lord over and command. Not to take the place as father and lord. but servant.
For I know In me dwells the sin nature which only wants itself to be self-important - like Satan whose pride caused him to seek worship and self adoration. And this sin works to make it all about me at the expense of a focus and glory on Christ. So the only way is to embrace the cross to die to self for sin has to be killed and God has to deal with that and to claim by faith in Christ a life of humility.
Humility and redirecting the honour 1 Cor 12 tells me that leaders are to create a culture in which
1) We are mutually reliant on one another which means all the members in the body of Christ not just one. We need one another especially the parts which seem weaker poorer and more despised because the bible calls them more vital
2) The body is to honour the weaker and more dishonourable parts v23. 'bestow on them more abundant honour'
3) Presentable parts no need honour because honour is given in the exercise of your presentable gifting/talent. Honour is inherent in the task itself.
4) v25 "members are to have the same care for one another" the body of christ is to have an equality regulator built into its culture.
5) The weak are to be given more care - more generosity and more help, more kindness, more honour to rehabilitate them to wholeness because God honours and saves and seeks the poor! Book of James says God saves has an especial favour towards those who are weak and poor.
Imagine a culture like that!
Friday, December 06, 2013
The role of Fathers in the Kingdom of God.
Fathers love, nurture and equip children to be able to bring that vision to pass and to take a participatory role in the creation of that vision for their generation. Fathers teach children to teach their children's children be able to pass down that vision from generation to generation to make an multi-generational impact a reality.
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
Leadership what do you do when no one is watching?
Leadership is not what you do in the public eye, it is especially what you do when no one watches for in the hidden moments of life, you are burning, tempering, strengthening, clarifying, focusing on the purpose which you were called to do and to be.
Where your Sons rule with you in partnership
Living where your glory dwells.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
The prayer of Elijah
I thirst continually for your presence. I want to walk with you and in you. For you are beautiful and you are holy.
I want to see your face. Walk with me. I want to obey your every word, your every gesture. Your joy is my utmost delight.
Never to lose sight of you. O do not let me stray from your presence for it is my very life and all my desire.
May your power be thoroughly expresed in and through me. Let everything that hinders be stripped away. I am jealous for your fame and glory. Cause your people to see you as I see you. Show your power mightily.
Bounding from bough to bough,
My friend the sunbird
Shrill and sharp
Talks about the morning light
Olive green and blue streaks,
Arrayed like the sun
In his splendour
A care in the world
Hunting for a juicy spider
Some nectar,
Bits of fruit
- There is sweetness
In the hunt.
But they soon pass.
There is yet sweetness
For the mourning heart.
Let out the hurt
For deep pain
Is best throughly expressed
They do well with a hug and tear
On a shoulder of a kind and listening ear.
Don't stay down
For any longer
Than you must.
Merry making
They remind me
That to be young
There is always
Time for fun
A good clean joke and
If you have a heart
That leaps
Like the sunbird.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
I love you like I would love any other
Who ever wants to know that they are loved in a generic way?
Don't we all want to know in a personal indisputable way our own significance from the one person that matters in life whoever that may be?
Which wife wants to know that they are loved by their husbands generically?
Which child ever wants to hear their father say "I love you like I love any other child." How utterly horrible.
Why should the love of God not be experienced by people in a way that is personal, intimate, fierce and powerful?
As natural human love can change lives what more the Love of God? or an intimate personal experience from the God who is love?
We read in the song of solomon Gods declarations from heaven about His beloved, a bride a wife an intimate - one who knows Him.
Which heart would not be satisfied with the voice of the Father who says :"You are mine, I have redeemed you, you are my beloved, I know you, for I have made you and you are dear to me."
Romans 8:16
The spirit Himself witnesses with our Spirit hat we are the Sons of God
The purpose in a man
if ambition is the ruling motivation of our life then all our relationships take the tone of ambition.
If love is the ruling power of our heart then our purpose of relationships will be love.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
A Picture of Soul Prosperity
Much has been written about Spiritual vitality but hardly anything exists which points to wholeness in the realm of the soul.
An Image of the Soul prospering
All the 10 characteristics above can be said of Christ.1) To be filled with creativity, life and joy
2) Finding Meaning, fulfilment and wisdom in your work,
3) Not to be bound with Legalism, a constant striving to earn approval or to be 'good enough'.
4) Liberty, Freedom, a sense of being set free to love God and love others in the Love of God. 'For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom'.
5) Having meaningful friendships and mutual supportive relationships - (these are healthy fruitful relationships which do not drain us. Not those in which we only give but never receive from.
6) Having a sense of confidence, significance and esteem, knowing your worth in Christ and being happy in your uniqueness.
7) Knowing your own identity and having a sense of purpose,
8) Developing and growing in your unique knowledge, skills, gifts, talents and loving it, psychologists call this the joy of intrinsic motivation, joy from within from doing what you love, which leads to life and joy in the heart. 'When a desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life'.
9) Not being weighed down with constant worry, anxiety and care
10) Being generous and being a giver to bless others, which is the fruit of love
2 Great books I've read about the subject are
1) Boundaries, which deals with the subject of identity, guarding your own values, talents, time and identity do that you can develop into the person God intended you to be and the art of saying 'no.' The book comes endorsed by major names like apologist Josh Mcdowell, and mega church pastor Bill Hybells. The book is fantastic because it teaches the art of balance between sacrificial service and burnout. And is especially helpful if you're from a culture like mine in which saying no can be equivalent to breaking relationships.
2) Changes that heal which deals Grace and Truth - the ingredients for personal growth, Bonding to others (finding and sustaining mutual relationships), sorting out good and bad - self acceptance and not denying reality of evils in ourselves and others and how to deal with and remedy tendencies of perfectionism. Lastly the book deals with gowing into an adult - which deals with how to discharge responsibility, as is fitting of an adult Christian.
The books authors are psychologists which integrate a biblically based spiritual world view, the discipline of psychology and real world experience in the practice of psychiatric counselling in bringing people to wholeness.
What would life look like if we endeavoured to obey everything God shows you to do?
What would your life look like if you endevoured to obey everything God shows you - your peace would be strong like a mighty river
Forget the failings of yesterday for they are forgiven. Today is a new day, a new invitation to walk with Me.
This is how to lead and bless others by walking with God.
Just one human act of love is greater than performing signs and wonders. It is out of that place of love that power flows. Just one human act of love in response to the love of God is the greatest thing of all.
Love versus duty
Obedience out of love and obedience out of duty is different.
Love is the greatest motivator the greatest cause, the greatest outcome. For God is love and the greatest thing in all of life is love.
Help me to obey because You love me not because I'm duty bound. Help me to know your Love so that my acts can be a natural response of love towards Love. Help me to focus on what you want me to do every moment of the day not to deviate from this relationship with You.
Isaiah 48:17-22 NASB
17 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel,
“I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit,
Who leads you in the way you should go.
18 “If only you had paid attention to My commandments!
Then your well-being would have been like a river,
And your righteousness like the waves of the sea.
19 “Your descendants would have been like the sand,
And your offspring like its grains;
Their name would never be cut off or destroyed from My presence.”
20 Go forth from Babylon! Flee from the Chaldeans!
Declare with the sound of joyful shouting, proclaim this,
Send it out to the end of the earth;
Say, “The Lord has redeemed His servant Jacob.”
21 They did not thirst when He led them through the deserts.
He made the water flow out of the rock for them;
He split the rock and the water gushed forth.
22 “There is no peace for the wicked,” says the Lord.
To touch the hem of His Garment
There needs to be a hardening of endurance in prayer - becoming like a hardened steel drilling bore/bit which can bore through dryness, apathy, lifelessness, wilderness seasons, long, and press hard in a forward reach to God. All this is done before heaven touches the earth.
Endurance and commitment is much required.
Our flesh is weak but spirit willing.
So our flesh and spirit need to be strengthened and hardened through prayer to see God's power and action.
Beyond prayers that help to align us when we are mis-aligned with His priorities, there is a place of prayer in union with God's purpose and will where heaven's agenda dictates the time of prayer. No longer dealing with earthly mis-alignment - repentance and holiness, but where heaven's desires are exerted from the heart of Christ upon His waiting saints.
As much as I would like to have others of like spirit help to generate that momentum in prayer, sometimes they can't be found. As Christ endured long and obtained strength in prayer, gaining from the Father - instruction and wisdom and leading, day to day. As Peter who received his commission to preach to the gentiles, for something of heaven to touch the earth, it requires a spirit which long endures to touch the hem of His garment
For from God comes true might and power, creativity, beauty and life from His throne, peace and deliverance from bondage. Beauty wisdom and strength. "For He will show us the path of life, in His presence is fullness of Joy, at His right hand are pleasures forevermore."(PS 16:11)
Psalms 16
8 I have set the Lord continually before me;
Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
9 Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices;
My flesh also will dwell securely.
10 For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol;
Nor will You allow Your Holy One to undergo decay.
11 You will make known to me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.
Monday, November 11, 2013
John Wesley - yielding to love
Saturday, November 09, 2013
Another Father
Kevin Costner's line to Kal-el, On Fatherhood, true identity, a pre-planned inheritance, a hope future and destiny from the Father in the film, Superman, Man of Steel
Perfect theology
Perfect theology is a person, not your own understanding and mind!
The Two Covenants - an antidote against a poisonous message
There is an increasingly disturbing message on the loose which is currently as we speak, being propagated from Singapore to America and is possibly having a global effect.
The message at best is an incomplete understanding of the teaching and doctrine of the grace of God. At its worst, the message will totally kill your walk with God if imbibed for too long.
At the core is a profound misunderstanding of the grace of God, its aims, purposes and power as well as a total misunderstanding of the old covenant law. A proper, biblical understanding of the law and its purpose as well as the grace of God and its purpose will help christians everywhere to quickly discern error and help them to steer clear of the trap of holding beliefs that lead them to become anti-law, 'anti-nomian' or hold a view of the grace of God which degenerates into the licence to sin - 'licentiousness'.
Andrew Murray writes splendidly about the divisions, purposes, intents and character of God as revealed by both old and new covenant in this free e-book, The Two Covenants, which is being held by the Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
I was myself a former adherent to the aforesaid message for about 6 years. Shamefully I was one of its ardent proponents . Looking back, I can say with much regret that this message has caused me untold amounts of damage to my faith, regret, sorrow and unnecessary suffering to my walk with God and it has created and invited much unnecessary trouble in my life. I sincerely wished I had read this book earlier than I did, for it would have saved me much sorrow. I highly commend it to you, for your own personal and spiritual growth and profit and as a defence against such teachings which are now as common as the flu.
Two Gods?
The book helped to open my eyes that it is the same God of the old covenant who is loving and kind and gracious in both covenants but also superbly just and holy, so as to inspire worship and much admiration. In both covenants He is inflexible in His holiness yet boundless in His grace and superabundant in His grace and mercy toward mankind. It truly helped to deepen the knowledge of this God who is merciful yet holy.
A healthy respect for the law
There comes with this deception a dishonouring of the commandments, the law of God. Paul in His treatise on law and grace in the book of Romans helps us to walk the line, free of legalistic human effort and full of the Spirit of God in relationship which is born by faith. Yet Paul called the law - good, just, holy in Romans Chapter 7 'has what is holy caused me to sin, surely not'
Quoting Paul in Romans 7 (NASV) excerpts
12 So then, the Law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.
13 Therefore did that which is good become a cause of death for me?
14 For we know that the Law is spiritual, but I am of flesh, sold into bondage to sin.
A Warning
Proverbs 22:28
Do not move the ancient boundary Which your fathers have set.
That ancient landmark is Moses Law, which Christ Himself never did disrespect in any of his teachings. In fact Christ strengthened the law! If a Christian has no proper place to put the law in the matrix of his faith, then there is danger of being deceived into licentiousness.
Be warned! Any revelation or teaching that either removes Christ's sermon on the mount in Matthew 5 or exalts any teaching and revelation above that which Jesus Himself preached when He was on earth is likely heresy and will stand the judgement of its works and fruit at the last day.
Legalism versus Holiness born by grace
There is a line to walk - either we are trying to be good by human effort or we are in relationship with the Spirit of God through trusting in Christ's person, word and work through faith in God's empowering grace.
Walking in a faith relationship with God causes us to become transformed. 'Walking by the Spirit' we become more like Him through encounters with the very living God in seeing His heart and character and experiencing it first hand upon the tablet of our heart, we are transformed (2 Cor 3).
Any sincere believer who desires to work the works of God will come into a conflict with the flesh and his own sincerity in wanting to be pure and reach a place where He is forced to either continue the journey trusting in self and strength or leaning into the Christ who died on a cross and was raised from the dead to live through us.
May this book help in forming your faith foundation as you attempt to walk the line of faith in following the master in whatever He says to you, in a personal, intimate relationship.
Tuesday, November 05, 2013
The city angrily burns
Its black plumes obsecuring,
its neon and halogen polluting
the clear stratosphere.
The truth that the stars long to speak,
the message the stars store in their ancient heart,
Their souls well up, longing to pour down.
Upon any who would stop and turn,
to hear the faint message the shining worlds speak
to ones looking,
To be filled with wonder.
The city blares its messages in a million distractions.
Mind us! look at this!
It says in wave after wave of killing fabricated hurricane.
The mountains they bow and look on
with a smile.
The trees they continue to birth,
Life and fruit and growth, over and over
The green plains they whisper.
Friday, November 01, 2013
The Pursuit of God - AW Tozer (1897-1963)
Tozer lived in the age before the internet, and up to a little after after World War II. Against the backdrop of the modern era of business - he perceived in the Church at large, a sleepiness descending, an apathy over the bride of Christ over matters such as prayer, over matters of living in the very grace of God, over matters of intimacy.
This very short book in electronic format was the result of the man's anguish and travailing, a much beloved treasure of the modern church and a personal favourite of mine, dealing with the subject of spiritual hunger, without which, the spiritual life is all but lost.
The book forms a complete compliment to AB Simpon's teaching on Himself, which emphasises the nature of our relationship with Christ, Andrew Murray's book on the need to empty of the self life and pride which destroys all it touches, to form that required humility of a servant and AW Tozer completes this set with the need to cry out for more of a hunger for God.
May these spiritual giants be a blessing to you as they were in their day firebrands in the hands of God. May God also raise up firebrands in like Spirit, able to speak and stand strong as Elijah in his day, and also for us in our generation.
Humility - Andrew Murray (1828-1917)
On the subject on good Christian Character, I have found this volume on Humility, one of the most useful. It is complimentary to A B Simpson's teaching on relationship with God, in 'Himself'. This volume talks about the need to be empty, for one to yield entire, to God in His demands, for that is the very keynote, the very song and tone and timbre of the Saviour's heart, who is 'meek and humble of heart.' (Matt 11:29)
Himself - Albert Benjamin Simpson (1843-1919)
A short biography on Simpson can be found here.
A W Tozer documents the history on Simpson's life and world wide missions ministry, in this short but powerful paperback (a worthy read, as is nearly anything by Tozer). Wingspread - A study in spiritual altitude A B Simpson
The man was a prolific preacher and author, publishing and preaching hundreds of sermons in his day through is own missions focused publication, transcripts can be found here.
Free e books by Simpson can be found here.
I used a short one year daily devotional written by Simpson for a short time, if you feel you would need short encouragement, this one is pretty good. Here.
There you stand
When the thoughts of my mind
Whirl like a dervish
The fabric by violent winds
Curl in a flurry
There you stand
Always stable
Never flinching
The centre of my stillness
The calmer of my storm
You’re the light in all this darkness
You’re my breath
In this toxic atmosphere
When you arrive,
My heart crumples like paper
All my resistance melts, like a glacier
My true resolution rises
One and strong
I am reconciled, sorted
I hear clearly the notes
And words of my song
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The Growth of a Tree
Every Tree must grow deep in order to grow big. So you must grow deep if you want to grow big to accomplish all that God has for you.
The Whale
I once saw a whale
who had sad eyes
because he was a whale,
and there was no one like him.
To be a friend to him
To understand what it was like to be a whale
To understand all his whale-y talk
And how his whale-y mind thought
He knew he was no shark
He could never stand the smell of blood.
He wondered why
He was always hungry, sometimes sleepy, always dreamy
Some of the other fishes said,
"He's whale-y crazy!"
It wasn't their fault, they had never seen a whale before.
But the tragedy was
that he had grown to believe them
It was the oft-repeated line that caused
him not to want to be a whale,
but to be anything else
but a whale, never a whale.
But then the whale gradually
Learnt to be glad, that he was a whale
The other fishes were glad too
Because he brought joy, just by being himself
And not somebody else
He grew stronger so he could go deeper
To plough the ocean's depths
He had a whale of a time
Monday, October 28, 2013
Songs of sweetness and songs of Hope
Matt Gilman - Made for you
So love the whole album - which is Holy, Matt Gilman
Songs of Hope if you're going through a tough time
Hope's anthem - William Matthews
You are my Hope - Cory Asbury
Holiness and joy
Joy and Holiness?
Somehow we don't associate an exuberant joy and love for life with God's characteristic of holiness. yet the two are inextricably linked in the above verse about Christ, the Risen One.
God is Holy but He is also exceedingly joyful and full of life. The exclamation of 'You are holy' also means "you are full of life, you are exceedingly joyful, full of righteous-ness and full of purity and clean!"
I heard a preacher say that Holiness is the exclamation of How "other-ly" God is to us. To exclaim Holy Holy Holy is to say you are "different, different, different (from us)".
Arguably the only way to be more joyful in the Christian walk is to have more of God the Holy Spirit who is also a spirit of joy! Think about that. A Spirit of Joy. (Romans 14:17)
And the closer you press in to experience God, the more you will like a miner hit the core, the massive gold deposit hidden in rock- the core characteristic of God, the treasure trove of God. Where He is in the Holy of Holies, the angels cry out "Holy Holy Holy is Jehovah Elohim Shaddai!" There is a growing discovery of how pure God is - that God is Holy, exceedingly so.
And so to walk with God would mean we are pressing into His presence. Pressing in with the heart, seeking with that heart to desire to worship to know and love Him more and more. And His presence will produce an imprint on our lives - a holiness manifest in our heart, that will differentiate His people.
But somehow the prevailing thought takes away the revelation that Jesus was an exceedingly joyful man and to know Him now as He is in heaven and to be full of Holiness is also to be full of the joy of God. The same joy that the Father had when He created the world and said, "it is good!" the same joy that the Father had, I imagine when He raised Christ from the dead and said, "It is exceedingly good!".
I think God the Father's heart brimmed over with love and exuberant joy when he created waterfalls, mountains, the sea and all the tress and all the birds and all of nature, when He created man. His heart brimmed to overflowing when His Son decided to complete the work of saving mankind from their sins and when The Father raised the Son from the dead, after the Son's violent suffering at the cross, the Father was so exceedingly happy that He said (i imagine) "I will give you the full reward of the joy of the Holy Spirit forever and ever." Look at the focus verse of this post again.
Other examples of a joyful God
"For the joy that was set before him, endured the cross."(Hebrews 12:2) The joy of the salvation of mankind - to know them in relationship, to be involved with their lives, getting rid of sin through His broken body at the cross, to apply His Holy Spirit.
(Luke 12:32) "it is God's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom" For His Children to know and exercise the reign of the King within their hearts and in their lives, brings God good pleasure - or joy.
"For He is the light, the life of the world"(John 8:12)
"For the Son of God has come to give life and life more abundantly (John 10:10).
What Kind of life would He give, if its was a joyless life?
What makes God joyful?
20 Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven.
21 At that very time He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit, and said, “I praise You, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight. 22 All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.”
And I was daily His delight,
Rejoicing always before Him,
31 Rejoicing in the world, His earth,
And having my delight in the sons of men.
John 15:10 NASV