Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Romans 3:25 'Whom God put forth as a propitiation in His blood.' 1

'Whom God put forth as a propitiation in His blood.'

God had chosen, set His seal upon Christ as the only messiah, He was sealed with the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, performing awesome signs and wonders as a symbol of Him who would come as the only one who could save from sin, a savior, a messiah the comming of which was prophesied in ancient hebrew texts.

Evidenced by His physical healing of Leprosy a symbol of sin's apathetic and numbs state (lepers are attached with a form of bacteria that renders the nervous system of the victim senseless, unable to feel) - Moses had earlier prophesied of one who came who could heal of leprosy - in the book of Leviticus. The account of the prophecy in Levitcus provides an instructive depiction of the Savior;s work. One bird being killed and another set free is the story of Christ's death and resurrection for us in symbol form, the laying of hand of the Leper on the bird symbolizing that Christ is the chosen one who bears away all sin and torment, who would die and later on be raised from the dead.

God had chosen Christ.

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