Friday, September 17, 2004

The Mind: His jurisdiction in the new covenant...

Among the witnesses and convictions of the Holy Spirit in the new covenant is this much missed one lying in Hebrews 10:

Verse 15, 16 : But the Holy Spirit also witnesses to us; for after He had said before, This is the covenant that I shall make with them after those days says the Lord: I will put My laws in their hearts and in their mind i will write them.

One of the convictions that He comes to deliver to us believers is that He is constantly directing Our hearts and minds. It is a Covenant responsibility on His part on which we rest in His power to 1. give us confidence and establish our hearts that He is the one who constantly renews our hearts and not we ourselves, thus allowing us to turn to Him and recive rest about our minds; and 2. give us Spirit inspired thoughts day to day.

paul says He witnesses to us that He puts laws in our hearts. i can see why the spirit would want to witness to us that He is in charge of our hearts and minds. because we are so prone to taking that upon ourselves. even paul is in need of the spirit to tell him: hey now, im in charge of this. rest and receive my guidance.

i'm beliveing that this mental rest and confidence will grow stronger with prolonged turning to the Spirit and a contant waiting on Him to make this very witness; a major part of what the Spirit comes to tell us (because if you notice there aren't many holy spirit witnesses in the NT probably no less than 10).. and if this is one of the major witnesses; we can trust Him to give us this assurance that he is in charge of our minds and then receive the divine guidance in day to day living instead of relying on our fleshly minds from day to day...

Isa 30:20, 21 yet your teachers shall not be removed into a corner any more, but your eyes shall see your teachers. And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left.

Father, we thank You for this witness of the Spirit. Spirit we ask that You be the one to strengthen Your witness to us that You are the one in charge ofour hearts and minds and no;t we ;ourselves and so bring us into Your land of rest in this area.

We ask and receive divine guidance in the day to day of our lives. divine thoughts who knows what wonderful things You will show us... it Is Your very covenant with us. Make Youir teaching and guidance primary no more secondary, no more sidelined, we live by Your covenant, we live by Your rhema to us. we receive it in Jesus name, amen.

1 comment:

little ewe lamb of God said...

you are starting to sound alot like a more comprehensive version of the daily bread...=p