Thursday, August 25, 2016

My testimony of being healed from childhood abandonment, insomnia, fear and anxiety.

God did a miracle for me in 2009 / 2010 and set me free from a deep anxiety and fear which I believe was caused by childhood abandonment. And to this day, I believe that the kingdom of God is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit , and that anyone can be healed from mental psychological or deep set emotional conditions due to childhood trauma, because – ‘In Christ we are made complete’.

This was the time I was having so much trouble at my work, in my health, and my marriage - newly married at 28, and no idea how to cope with a major crisis in my new family, the total sum of the circumstances amounted to what was to me, an overwhelming challenge.

I had an unexplainable fear in me which would keep rising keeping me from sleep nigh after night. The pattern was that it would emerge immediately after I prayed and read the word and spent time with God, the fear just would rise within my heart whenever the experience of God’s presence ceased. it kept me up such that I was sleeping 3-4 hours a day. I would go an hour or two of sleep one day or two, then back to 3-4 hours of sleep which I considered to be a good day. I could never go 3-4 hours two days in a row somehow.

My body was breaking down...I was just too tired and worn out from taking care of my wife and struggling in a job that paid the bills but something that i was terrible at doing – math! on top of that the workplace was very hostile, my co-workers drank and talked about sex and my boss seemed to especially hate me. he once asked me to talk and said – ‘how can one not put money first in life? How can Christianity be real?’ as if to taunt me. It was an insurance company but the atmosphere was dark – the boss was a ruthless man who fired people in rapid succession and used them and he would made them take the fall for him. I couldn't afford to be fired I didn't want to live with my folks.

This lasted for 2-3 years. The insomnia gave me pain in my body in strange parts – my chest, my liver etc. I was exhausted- my stomach was going crazy because of stress – it bloated terribly, I was always sick with the flu monthly and my old shoulder injury would give me back pain.

The total effect of these trials was to make me draw close to God. I would cling tightly to whatever encouragement I had, read the bible or pray in tongues during my lunch breaks just for the physical strength to carry on.

When biblical truth spoke to me or when the lord would speak to my heart, it had a strengthening effect on me physically – I would ask the lord to strengthen me with His word daily and receive encouragements for my day even before I woke up – the spirit would whisper to my heart something I needed for my day, when I was between sleep and wake, because I was always in warfare. But the Holy Spirit was so real and intimacy with Him so precious.

Psalm 94:19 NASB
[19] When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.

One morning I woke up with the above verse whispered to me- Holy Spirit was so real to me- His comfort, friendship and strength. 'Draw near to me, I will draw near to you.'

One morning i woke up at about 3/4 Am. I just prayed and worshipped and prayed some more. it was a Sunday morning and i knew we had church later. but the  unexplainable fear was keeping me up. So I decided to worship and pray and take his promise that His kingdom is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,and boldly go into His presence for Him to fulfill the kingdom’s promise to me. This promise contrasted with my continual fearful experience.

Isa 53:5 (NASV)
But he was pierced for our transgressions (sins); he was crushed for our iniquities (sin nature passed down by generations); upon him was the chastisement (punishment) that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.

So i worshiped and believed - Jesus you died to give me peace – the punishment for our peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed. I interpreted this to mean, if I did not have peace, whatever wounds that are causing my lack of peace, Jesus has taken my wounds and brokenness, so that He can come in and give me His peace in exchange as I trust Him and His finished work at the cross. 

He died with my sins, with my abuses, with my wounds in my soul on Him. I sang songs about the cross and believed that God was greater than this fear and sought to touch his presence in a powerful way such that i would be well and changed -like the woman with the issue of blood who sought to touch Jesus robe, I also wanted to draw close because He is the healer.

In my mind I had the example of Jacob wrestling with Jesus saying, I would not let you  go till you bless me! And He was transformed by the fight of faith. God touched Him and changed him, he would touch me and change me too.

The verse ‘the violent take it by force in the kingdom of God’ seemed to indicate what I had to do – press in to His presence by faith and take what was mine - Christ Himself, His wholeness, power and presence in my life. I was seeking God Himself to be real and full in me, in that moment of great need. I had to believe that Jesus had already healed me. I had to boldly press in to touch God by faith. What choice did I have? I could not give up!

 It was a battle to believe in Jesus, it was a fight of faith.and even the faith I lacked if I depended on Him would be provided to me by the Holy Spirit who works in me to will and do for His own good pleasure. Ok no turning back, pressing forward.

there was a breakthrough of his presence at about 830am. it felt like a drizzle in the room, the Holy Spirit's gentle peace filled my heart and the atmosphere around me. The drizzle of his presence continued very gradually until I was full of his presence and peace in my heart, and when I felt full of peace, I had a vision right away.

It was a vision of a little newborn infant crying in a crib in a room. it was crying for a very long time and the cries got worse. as the infant cried, I also cried -we were in sync. Everything he felt I felt also. i could feel his pain his loneliness. The meaning of his cries I felt intensely – he was crying “Why am i alone?” “Does anyone love me, does anyone want me?”. From cries, now he's bawling the infant, I start bawling also like tears streaming uncontrollably and inexplicably, the loneliness and sense of being unwanted was intense.

A figure in white in my vision appears and takes up the infant holds it over his shoulder, rocks him up and down and pats his back and says “I want you, I love you, you are my Son...”

Over and over and over. And I can feel peace filling up and healing my heart.

The next vision comes – a series of visions - I am older, 2 years old then 4 years old, and the man in white is there, saying “well done, you are strong, you are my Son, I love you over and over” praising me, encouraging me saying I belong to Him. I remember a lot of hugs with Jesus in my vision, a lot of physical touch.

If you read psychological literature which I later on read, the childhood development of brain structure depends heavily on the nurturing physical touch provided by main caregivers. This is a vital component to growing up soundly, healthily and being emotionally and mentally balanced.

He asks me when the vision changes- when I am old enough to speak. 'What do you want to do?'

I say 'i want to ride my car downstairs '

We lived in a flat but no one was able to take me downstairs to play – or rather my granma did not – I have no memories to date of my granma doting or loving on me, or playing with me or hugging me, I never grew attached to her or learnt her language which is telling... – I don't really have memories of being hugged and loved and snuggled my my dad or mom also - or them playing with me as a child, a little but not much I could count the memories with half a hand.

When i was 4 or 5 years old to play down on the flat ground downstairs in my favourite red paddle car was all I wanted - to be in wide open space free of the confines of my flat which seemed a prison, because I was so seldom outside for play as a child.

I don't remember any of these memories when these vision happens I have forgotten all about my red car by the time of this vision

Again - Jesus asks what do you want to do I say 'snuggle!' I never had a dad or my mom snuggle me in bed. And Jesus is there taking me in the vision downstairs for my car ride, snuggling, eating ice cream… I have few memories of ice cream since I was really sickly as a child and chronically asthmatic and I was sickly even till I was 28 as an adult. I believe my childhood and adult poor health was a direct result of neglect.

Jesus plays with me when I am older in the vision I am dressed in cardboard knights Armour and a cardboard sword we have fun, we laugh.

We wrestle- we play fight and he says over and over 'you are my Son, I love you, you are strong'

My soul I believe needed these things to live and God being the good Father that He is filled in me. Jesus had Father say over Him- 'my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased'  “I love you, I value you, you matter, you are strong, you are mine” And In Christ we have those things also we are the beloved one in whom He is well pleased. Scripture says twice: ‘the spirit testifies with our spirit we are the sons of God.’ (Galatians and Romans)

God filled in my experience through the Holy Spirit- testifying that he loved me, I belonged to Him, I was His Son, like in Romans and Galatians.

God is a good Father, a perfect Father, in Christ and through Christ- because He was abandoned, we can know we are beloved and lavished with love and grace in Him- Jesus said He wants to reveal the Father heart of God to us. And Father and Son make their home in us. He says, ' the glory I have I give to them' that they may be one in the Father and in the Son- intimacy, power, love in authentic spiritual experiences.

I think the limited amount of nurturing and care I received as a child really disrupted the development of a solid sense of worth and self (identity) in me.

I think there was a spirit of fear that i lived with because of abandonment and living in a household that was continually chaotic, arguments between my dad and mom every single day – wondering and afraid continually that they would divorce at any moment throughout my childhood all the way till I was 27 when I moved out.

The word says 'every family on earth derives its name or identity from God the Father.' This means that we are to derive our sense of worth from Father God. We are to find ourselves in Christ, who gives us worth through the cross, I suppose the spiritual promise needed to become a spiritual experience that could heal my soul and my past. The healing happened In my spirit man, overflowing in healing me to the soul before the spirit of fear could be cast out.

I believe that day I was delivered from a spirit of fear and God dealt with several issues at once - deep seated anxiety, a deep sense of worthlessness, a hollow sense of identity and absence of normal, human desires and a strong sense of deadness I carried around in my heart till that point.

I still have wounds and issues –but I don’t struggle with insomnia anymore or that terrible inexplicable fear – which I identify to be the fear of abandonment that God will leave me as my caretakers did – for ‘I am with you always till the end of the age’, ‘I will never leave you nor abandon you. (Heb 13:5)'. I am far less prone to anxiety, fear and worry than before this experience and I am moving towards His healing and wholeness, in His love.

Ps 23 'He leads me beside the quiet waters, He restores my soul.'

My purpose in writing this is not to claim that I am special in anyway. If anything, God had to do a miracle in my life just to get me to a place where I could (barely) function as well as other people. 

No, I am not special, but I believe I was given this experience so that the body of Christ can see and know that the heart and nature of the Father. 

Isaiah says 'a bruised reed he will not break', 'He binds up the brokenhearted' Isaiah 60. God loves to heal and he led me on a journey spanning several years which led up to the story you read above.

The books which helped in my healing prior to the above story are:

1) Andrew Murray's 'The Deeper Christian life' which is the start point of living a surrendered life to God. Free E copy available here

2) Andrew Murray's 'With Christ in the School of Prayer' which built a relational view of Christianity and grounded my foundations of faith in an attitude of surrender and dependence - it also has solid biblical teaching on healing and faith. Free E copy available here

3) Boundaries - by Townsend and Cloud which gave me some courage to begin to assert myself and say no, its a guide to establishing boundaries in life.

4) Fathered by God by John Eldridge

Friday, August 19, 2016

"We Who Take Refuge" Hope for the weary in the journey of faith - Meditation on Hebrews 6

Hebrews 6:13-14 NASB
[13] For when God made the promise to Abraham, since He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, [14] saying, "I WILL SURELY BLESS YOU AND I WILL SURELY MULTIPLY YOU."

Surely our future is blessed because God has sworn by Himself to bless us

No matter how rough things seem now

"We Who Take Refuge"

Hebrews 6:17-18 NASB
[17] In the same way God, desiring even more to show to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of His purpose, interposed with an oath, [18] so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us.

The promise is for those who take refuge under the wings of almighty God, who draw near to Father to take Him as a shelter for our life. He is our source of security, our safe place. We who take the person of Jesus as our strength and our victory. We who find our Holiness Wisdom and Redemption in Jesus.

As we strive to take refuge, to hold on to God - it may be stormy- our hearts may be false and we feel our sincerity hollow, difficulties and trials may press us and attack us from behind, it sometimes feels like trouble assaults us from every direction.

But God wants us to know that over all the trouble is this oath, this security and promise which serves as a shield above us and around us- " I swore to Abraham that I would bless him and you through Jesus are an heir of Abraham" "I swear I will bless you".

It is a double layered shield of assurance which God wraps around us, His beloved. The first layer is His word which is unchanging - I have blessed you and will bless you because you are in Jesus- You are blessed with every blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians). Gods word cannot break, cannot bend and it doesn't change. 

The second layer is His oath - "I swear by myself that I would bless you" "There is no one stronger higher or more powerful that I. I want to assure your heart of My blessing so I swore by Myself that I would bless you- do not cut yourself off from my promise or my word, be encouraged that you may lay hold of my promises and my hope that you may grow in me and keep on growing up into Christ through the provision of the Holy Spirit in your heart, giving you a real experience of My love and power and grace daily" 

It is all so that we may have hope, that we may not give up on this hard journey called the journey of faith, the journey to hold on to the gospel - the good news, the message of the Son of God who died for you and rose again to give everything to you- blessed are you if you hold fast the things which you heard from the beginning says apostle John (book of 1 john). 

Hold on to the word, the word is the good news of the Son of God, the word is the character and person of Jesus, Him, His person His presence is right there with you, His presence with you now- come to Him, believe in Him and be encouraged by His double layered assurance wrapped over you.

God 1) promises by His word to bless you and 2) swears He will bless you as you lay hold of Hope. Jesus is your living Hope. Things will be good for your future because eternal life is yours in Him. He undertakes to bless you now and always. He is your blessing and hope. The expectation of His goodness in your future fills your life because he has promised and sworn it.

Blessings- Isaac

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

The End Game - Part 3

The end game (part 3)

Bad stuff #9 greater and intense persecution of all christians, resulting in the church overcoming, even through martyrdom 

Daniel 12:7 
and as soon as [h]they finish shattering the [i]power of the holy people, all these events will be completed.

Revelations 12:11
And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even [e]when faced with death.

Christians will be persecuted to death at the end, but they will overcome even if they were to give their lives and they will overcome because they have loved God and loved one another, even to the end.

The Laodician mirror - solutions

Interestingly, all the patterns mentioned above is mirrored in revelations 3- the letter to laodicean church, the last church in the set of 7. Solutions to the darkness engulfing us are given by John also as the antidote to the end times.

Common characteristics of the Laodicean church and the body of Christ today

1. Neither Hot Nor cold = apathetic, love has grown cold because of trials and difficulties (?) but has not left the faith. (Not totally cold and turned away from God, but yet not really alive either). This does not discount the fact that Jesus predicts many will fall away when the trials really start- it makes sense because the body of Christ is not fully alive therefore many will fall from faith because of the difficulties that come. (V15)

2. Wealth and comfort materially but actually living in spiritual poverty and spiritual blindness, cannot perceive or see what God is saying or doing. (V17)

Solutions prescribed by revelations 3

  • Buy gold refined in the fire - prioritise your faith if it should cost you everything, even painful firey trials which are normal- pay the price because faith, gold is precious and will save you in the end times, making one rich towards God.
  • White garments to clothe your nakedness and shame - prioritise purity of heart, die to self that we may see God, cut off the offending limbs by taking hold of and trusting Jesus cross to die to the flesh
  • Buy eye salve that you may see: prioritise the revelation of Jesus above all things, make a definite choice to prioritise the reading of the word daily and prayer, seek the revelation of Jesus to know His person His heart, His voice and love Daily. Daily live to hear His present voice to you.
  • V19 don't grow weary in trials but take them as a sign that you are being purified, take your pains and trials as a sign of His love, repent quickly to shorten the trial season. Rev 3: [19] Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. [20] Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. 
  • Expect Him to communicate daily- seek His voice (we live by every word that he speaks day to day more than food) and act on His impulses as soon as you are able so you may experience greater intimacy with Jesus.
V19 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. 

Revelation 3:14-22 NASB
[14] "To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says this: 

[15] 'I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. 

16] So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. 

[17] Because you say, "I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing," and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, 

[18] I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. 

[19] Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. 

[20] Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. 

[21] He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. 

[22] He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.'"

The End Game - Part 2

The end game - (part 2)

Bad stuff sign #3 increasing calamity such that to escape requires constant prayer 

Luke 21:36 But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.

There will be increasing trouble such that to escape ‘all these things’ (which includes the stuff discussed in article #1, deception, betrayal and hurt, false teaching leading to love growing cold, even persecution for our faith and martyrdom) people must 'keep on the alert at all times, praying to have strength to escape....  the people of God must keep spiritually alive and pay attention to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit and be careful not to fall asleep spiritually or become hardened such that they drift from the Lord, it is our intimacy with God which determines if we are worthy to escape the wrath of God upon the earth like he preserved Elijah, Enoch who was taken to heaven because they pleased God, those whom please him can escape even the great tribulation because they bring pleasure to the Father and do not live by the flesh.

Good stuff sign #4 God strengthening His people, people rising up to do bold works

Daniel 11:32 NASB
[32] By smooth words he will turn to godlessness those who act wickedly toward the covenant, but the people who know their God will display strength and take action.

Obama is doing the above by legislating gay marriages such that Christians who struggle with gay marriage, instead of repenting are being tempted to violate their relationship with God and the covenant by affirming gay marriage.

As godliness increases because of wicked rulers who encourage people to violate their covenant relationship with God, the people of God will also be strengthened. God will pour out supernatural strengthening to His people and they will rise up in New confidence and boldness and push back against the darkness.

Good stuff sign #5 increase of Gods prophetic revelation from heaven

Daniel 11:33 NASB
[33] Those who have insight among the people will give understanding to the many; yet they will fall by sword and by flame, by captivity and by plunder for many days.

The verse seems to imply that there will be a conflict over revelation from God because the enemy does not want Gods people to know Him and experience Him so this prophetic company will be targeted and go through tremendous persecution to purify them. So that they may be a pure prophetic voice in the last days. The verse seems to imply that there will be a conflict over revelation from God because the enemy does not want Gods people to know Him and experience Him so this prophetic company will be targeted and go through tremendous persecution both the purify them. So that they may be a pure prophetic voice in the last days. 

God will open The Spiritual senses of His people that they may increase in their perception of Gods heart and Gods mind and Gods will and this increase in prophetic insight which is the gift of God to His people to know Him intimately, will strengthen his people tremendously. Godly and pure encouragement will be rare, but increasing and precious in the last days.

On one hand there is false teaching and false prophets but on the other hand God is pouring out revelations of His truth and opening the senses of His people everywhere to receive more from Him. I believe this is what will cause the church to increase in faith in boldness and works of love in the last days. Many will fall away but there is a remnant that will be purified and strengthened in the last days.

Daniel 11:33 seems to say that the trials of this prophetic company are of a prolonged nature- it is for many days that they will be in the darkness of trial they will seem to have 'fallen' fallen due to sword, (violence)  flame, (painful trials), captivity (a sense of being trapped and shut away, like Joseph) and plunder (seemingly having everything stolen by the enemy), but it is for the purifying of the prophetic voice in the earth to be pure and stand in the end times. 

Bad and good stuff sign #6 a pure prophetic voice refined by trials

Daniel 11:35 NASB
[35] Some of those who have insight will fall, in order to refine, purge and make them pure until the end time; because it is still to come at the appointed time.

Their purpose will be more pronounced and important the closer we are to the very end. 'They are still for the end' implies that they have seemed to have fallen but will emerge and be persevered for their end work.

Good stuff sign #7 the gospel goes worldwide

Matthew 24:14 NASB
[14] This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

The strengthened remnant going forth preaching the gospel far and wide. A sign of that God will restore apostles in the earth- those who are sent specifically by God to preach the gospel to the unsaved. Those who are wise to father generations of faith who can propagate the gospel abroad. These are the same ones who 'are strong and do exploits' giving all their strength to the work of the gospel.

Good stuff sign #8 Pouring out of Gods glory causing a pure remnant to show His glory

Daniel 12:3 NASB
[3] Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.

Arise, shine for your light has come and the Glory of the risen Lord has risen upon you- 

Jesus manifest presence will be increased greatly upon a remnant who instead of growing cold will stay warm and fired up with His true love for one another, and instead of betraying one another will be loyal to one another and become their brothers keeper, and instead of dividing and hurting one another will love each other because Gods love will create supernatural unity which will further attract the presence of God. 

Psalm 133:1-3 NASB
[1] Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together in unity! [2] It is like the precious oil upon the head, Coming down upon the beard, Even Aaron's beard, Coming down upon the edge of his robes. [3] It is like the dew of Hermon Coming down upon the mountains of Zion; For there the LORD commanded the blessing-life forever.

Division and arguments will be put to death as they choose to die to themselves as they enter into a new measure of His presence and glory and power,  causing an end time revival- in which the gospel will be preached to all nations, prophetic insight increasing and the light of Gods love, power and strength increasing on His people. As the darkness gets darker, God turns up the glory of His presence upon his remnant- such that they become a sign to the people on earth. 

A dim light cannot function as a good global sign but a bright powerful light of His love and purity serves as the sign that brings the gospel to the ends of the earth, 'For they will know that the Father sent me, when you Love one another'.

This is the company that will stand to the end- their fruit- lives transformed from ungodliness to Godliness will abide to the end and they themselves will endure to the end and are gloriously saved.

The End Game - Part 1

The end game (part 1)

We are in the end game

We are in the end times. The prophecy of Jesus in Matthew 24 looks practically like our daily newspaper headlines. Surf to any online news website and you will hear of famine (Venezuela), War (Isis, South China sea), nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom (or ethnicity against ethnicity – terrorism attacks against different faiths are counted here, so is Isis-led terror which hopes to establish a Muslim kingdom or caliph which is worldwide, their kingdom versus the democratic “kingdoms” or rule). 

Yet the prophecy that Jesus gave in Matt 24 and other scriptures about our time hold out both extremely hopeful exciting promises and extremely dark and threatening warnings. Times will get both better and worse. So buckle your seatbelt and bid farewell to certainty, there will quickly be no certainty except the certainty of Gods word and promises and the words and insights The Holy Spirit provides for our times.

What can we expect during this time? 

This article will compile all the negative features of the end times followed by the promises so we can end on a high note - if things look dark and dreary, hang on till the end of the article, the picture gets a whole lot brighter when we put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

Bad stuff sign #1 falling away from the faith, betrayal, division, hurt and hatred

Matt 24 
10 At that time many will [d]fall away and will [e]betray one another and hate one another.

The word fall away implies that these people were in the grace of God, they had faith in God but because of the what I believe is the anti-Christ spirit of the end times and the assault on people who genuinely love Jesus, many people will find that following Jesus is too hard, that it's just not worth it to follow him, also because of the tremendously trying circumstances to their faith and there will be many who leave the faith. I did not say leave the church, because you can leave the church but still keep your faith- God does not measure your faith by checking off a church attendance register.

v24 "(they will) betray one another" If you have not been hurt by your brothers and sisters in Christ you will be the minority because there will be hurtful experiences as there is a lack of loyalty and brotherhood and friendship in the body of Christ. Betrays will increase. v24 "Hate one another" Lastly, there will be increasing division in Churches and sad to say Churches will be at war with one another. 

I believe there will be a company of people who are betrayed and hurt by their brothers in Christ who will not hurt in return but forgive like Joseph and through exceptionally trying circumstances by the grace of God they will be purified but through much difficulty- more about that later.

Bad stuff sign #2 false teachings, false prophets and Teachers leading to love of many growing cold and tremendous moral corruption

Matthew 24:11-12 NASB
[11] Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. [12] Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold.

Jesus says the reason for love, or agape Gods love growing cold is because there is such a proliferation of false teachings in our day. I deal with this in another article here:

Again this prophecy of Jesus applies to the church and not the world becase only the church who has received the love of the Father, agape love which is unconditional love only she can forget this love, lose her first love and grow cold. And the second evidence is that she is a victim of false Teachers, teachings and prophets.

The conclusion is that it is very likely that you have been hurt badly and betrayed badly by your brothers and sisters in Christ.

If we look around, marriage is under assault, gay marriage in many countries is being championed and sexual Lust is everywhere because of the thriving of online pornography. Jesus did say that the erosion of bible truth would lead to lawlessness. We must return to our bibles in the last days, the solution to false teachings is to examine the scriptures for yourself, praying to receive the love of truth so that we may escape deception and so that we ourselves will not fall away from God. 2 thess 2:9-10 - stop right now and ask God to inflame your heart to love his word and truth so that we may be saved.

2 Thessalonians 2:10 NASB

[10] because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.