The walk of faith can be a lonely walk. It is lonelier still when God hides his face. We do not understand why he does that only that it is like trying to steer through a great dark storm while it seems like all grace is stripped from the our circumstances. The lashing winds and waves and turbulent sea pound relentlessly on our lives. It feels like God is invisible. Yet, His hand is there on our lives- for we have not perished. That sometimes is the only remaining sign of his grace. The psalms tell the story of those whose lives were preserved, who were close to death but were preserved from a death at the hands of the wicked.
There are times we are alone because we stand for God the conviction which he has gave us. It might be a cause which has been forgotten by people and there is no one to stand with us because no one else around us has been given the same vision. Elijah was there, challenging the king for his idolatry, it was his God given mandate to do so.
Loneliness. It is an incredibly powerful trial that attempts to wears the soul out. One can only take so much solitude before becoming undone. I think sadhu sundar Singh and his solitary barefoot walks in sub-zero Tibet, how he related the story of encountering a fellow stranger who joined him on his mission and talked with him as they walked for miles about the things of God, such that his heart burned and his tears flowed after an acute prolonged time of loneliness. Only to realise in shock thant his new friend had suddenly disappeared into thin air along the mountain range.
But how encouraging to hear the words "you are not alone in this fight, there are others who worship me also. You fight this Baal and it seems everyone around you worships him that's all you can see but you know not that there are hundreds more who worship the God you worship too.
It is a blessing to know that there are others who are pressing against the flow of the river, making the same stand fighting the same fight. Our soul is refreshed for another day of battle when we know there is just one other person standing like us.
When David was being hunted down the only people alive who knew his heart he sought out - Samuel who later passed on and then Jonathan.
How loney was Job who said 'more than this trial is the emotional and psychological burden of having to contend with those with hardened hearts who accused him night and day.' There was no kindness, No empathy or compassion in their hard words in his trial. His last rebuke to them was 'the least you could do is to be my friend!'
How patient he was to try to humbly persuade and fight his own case against three of his so-called friends who accused him night and day and offered no warmth no welcome from the heart.
Paul said may his mission partners sins of not coming to his aid when he stood alone, not be charged to them. Paul obviously thought this lack of love and courage on the part of his allies was a serious thing.
It is always easier to stand and have courage when some one else does it first. Being the Proto pioneer is always extraordinarily challenging, for you will be the first to challenge status quo.
I think Of rosa parks, in Selma that lady on that bus and the great saints full of strength and endurance. Elijah and Abraham the first of their generation. the great ones.
Somehow to connect with others fills us with mysterious courage to find fellowship and God borne friendship in God is better than loneliness but loneliness is still better than the company of the ungodly.
Look to the lord like Elijah. And God our Father who provided his voice to comfort his servant Elijah when in desperate need will send His own comfort to us also.