Monday, January 31, 2011


Instinct- copied from wikipedia - biology and adaptive changes to species over time

[edit] In humansFor more details on this topic, see human nature.
Some sociobiologists and ethologists have attempted to comprehend human and animal social behavior in terms of instincts. Psychoanalysts have stated that instinct refers to human motivational forces (such as sex and aggression), sometimes represented as life instinct and death instinct. This use of the term motivational forces has mainly been replaced by the term instinctual drives.

Instincts in humans can also be seen in what are called instinctive reflexes. Reflexes, such as the Babinski Reflex (fanning of the toes when the foot is stroked), are seen in babies and are indicative of stages of development. These reflexes can truly be considered instinctive because they are generally free of environmental influences or conditioning.

Additional human traits that have been looked at as instincts are: sleeping, disgust, face perception, language acquisitions, "fight or flight" and "subjugate or be subjugated". Some experiments in human and primate societies have also come to the conclusion that a sense of fairness could be considered instinctual, with humans and apes willing to harm their own interests in protesting unfair treatment of self or others.[2][3]

Many scientists consider that it is instinctual in children to put everything in their mouths, because this is how they tell their immune system about the environment and the surroundings, what the immune system should adapt to.[4]

Other sociologists argue that humans have no instincts, defining them as a "complex pattern of behavior present in every specimen of a particular species, that is innate, and that cannot be overridden." Said sociologists argue that drives such as sex and hunger cannot be considered instincts, as they can be overridden. This definitory argument is present in many introductory sociology and biology textbooks,[5] but is still hotly debated.
Psychologist Abraham Maslow argued that humans no longer have instincts because we have the ability to override them in certain situations. He felt that what is called instinct is often imprecisely defined, and really amounts to strong drives. For Maslow, an instinct is something which cannot be overridden, and therefore while it may have applied to humans in the past it no longer does.[6]

In the book An Instinct for Dragons[7] anthropologist David E. Jones suggests a hypothesis that humans just like monkeys have inherited instinctive reactions to snakes, large cats and birds of prey. Folklore dragons have features that are combinations of these three, which would explain why dragons with similar features occur in stories from independent cultures on all continents. Other authors have suggested that especially under the influence of drugs or in dreams, this instinct may give raise to fantasies about dragons, snakes, spiders, which makes these symbols popular in drug culture. The traditional mainstream explanation to the folklore dragons does however not rely on human instinct, but on the assumption that fossil remains of dinosaurus gave raise to similar speculations all over the world.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

working through some feeling in our relationship

Have to sort through some tangled feelings -

1) never considered divorce and never held on to it as a value for any amount of time in my heart in fact hate it intensely.

but the constant reminder and suggestion of the idea in conversation damages the relationship and creeps in slowly making it more acceptable with each passing mention.

2) unhappiness

we are both unhappy and we seem to constantly arrive at the same point in our relationship but not have the abiility to break through. i wont get into that here. but here i will ask myself: why are you unhappy with your relationship and what would make you happy:

-1) unified vision on God

-2) unified ministry - i have this great fire and drive within me to serve and help other people, its the innate part of being an INFJ personality - extraverted feeling and i suppose the main drive of my idealist personality. and the pressure that is put on this that results in it being constantly constrained makes me frustrated. and also results in the oft used accusation that i dont care enough about my wife and dont spend enough time with her. which is a total lie. what i think she means is that although we spend time with one another we never seem to be able to break through to where we are happy in our relaionship.

-3) for us to enjoy one another

focusing on #3 why is this so hard?

She desires a soul mate that will give her the understanding she craves, but i cannot agree with her convictions, motivations and behaviors and in fact strongly disagree with many of the reasonings and the whys of 'why she does what she does', according to my own interpritation which can be very rigid- a good counsellor with strong and more objective understanding of her person could be of strong help to me in this area to help me correct my views and opinions of her.

I must begin to clarify more of my own judgements to slow down the formation of my opinions of her, through 1) withholding judgement and 2) to ask her why she is doing this or that instead of forming my own conclusions too quickly.

I understand much of what she does is controlled by fear. the problem is that fear has become so much of a habit that she has almost intergrated it fully into her own value system and has ceased fighting against this so that she can live life boldly and unafraid. I on the other hand long to live by faith which can translate into a rash and brash unthinking and foolish thing, but in essence is the courage to venture. she has lost all her initial venturesome spirit, and given her strength to fear instead, the avoidance and living with fear as a reality. its like living in a room with a gigantic elephant. you no longer venture to get the elephant out of the room but live with it, accomodate it, feed it and otherwise live your life around it so that it wont harm you because essentially you are afraid of the battle to chase the elephant out of the room, the energy that is necessary in chasing it out, and the possible change that is results and the cost of bloodshed that results from the battle. this is the attitude i so detest in her, that has claimed so much of her and made her so much less the person she was and marrs the vision of who in in my heart and mind i strongly feel she ought to be.

and because i so detest this fear based living i do things venture and many times sub conciously do things to disrupt this fear based thinking in the process, it in fact strengthens it as its makes her insecure because in her mind 'i am unstable'.

her insecurities drive our marriage and is the main flavour in our relationship. which makes the relationship toxic to my taste. I never believed in living in fear or in insecurity and i hate living this way.

which leads to #4, how can we address these and solve the above problems so that we can enjoy one another? do we have to solve the above problems in order to enjoy one another? are we happy with living with the elephant in the room?

of course the answer is no. i dont have to have her perfect to love her. i need to exercise unconditional love. but i want to kill the elephant so badly, maybe the weapon for killing fear is gracious, merciful, kind and accepting love that will not compromise with fear but lead her on to show her hope and the good land ahead. an enduring love that will win out eventually, this is a love i do not possess but i know the one who does, and i know where i can get it.

i feel this need to create and generate positive experiences for her that can slowly beging to reshape her mind and heart. kindnesses in many forms : dinner dates and presents and the like.

maybe my expectations of immediate results are too unrealistic and my methods poor and ineffective.

more later....

our marriage

we have no common:
1) vision
2) goals
3) faith
4) interests
5) world views
6) enjoyments
7) some times feels like we have no common God, which was the one thing holding us togther all this while but has been stolen from us in recent years.

Am so weary.


Realize that my understanding of who my wife is as a person presently in all likelihood is a faulty understanding. I have to scrap my previous assumptions about her and rebuild. Have to give more grace and space for her weaknesses. and see beyond these weaknesses to her strengths.

mistakes in my marriage:
1) trying to order my wife according to my own standards

2) being critical

3) using negative - punitive criticism as motivation instead of praise and positive motivation

4) not giving enough room and space for her to be herself

5) not accepting and appreciating her strengths

She constantly accuses me of not naturally loving and feeling for her, how can i when all i see are her weaknesses? only grace abounding to my own weaknesses can empower me to be good to her...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

glory (false and untimely)

let me not be showy and seek attention to myself in an untimely way, shooting out my words and failing my hands about like branches.

But let me grow daily. consistently, quieitly, secretly without the approval, praise or notice of men. Let me grow deep with you, until i know the secret of knowing you. Then send me out in power in glory and in your time for your battles, for your cause for your will.

let your glory fall

Let your glory fall in this room,
Let it go forth from here to the nations,
May your fragrance rest in this place
As we gather to seek your face.

Father of creation
Reveal your soverign plan
raise up a mighty generation
that will march through the land
reach out your hand and touch us
reveal your sovereign power
take away all our weakness,
O lord let this be the hour!!

Learned Stupidity

I learned stupidity as i was growing up, and scored an A in it.

Stupidity and foolishness can be learned, stupidity also can be un-learned.

Now I must grow up and learn to think.

I am fearful for all the charismatics who like me have learned stupidity through childish foolish doctrines that go against simple wisdom and contradict natural laws and principles, transgresing these daily.

I do believe in the God power to work miracles which supercede natural law, which is the biblical definition of 'miracles' but in general, God's own word and holy reasoning within His word contains such insight and wisdom that teaches us about the laws of the natural world. The nuts and bolts of how and why everything around us works. The brightest scientists of the enlightenment were fervent God worshippers - Galileo and Isaac Newton were prime examples, in the bible - Solomon and the apostle Paul - of men who worshipped a great and wise, powerful God, and gained great insight into ife and made tremendeous impact because God gave them wisdom into right living. These men were strong in faith, yet also mighty in wisdom.

God's word is full of natural law - all truely bible believing psychogists, exorcist/holy spirit annoited deliverence ministers, psychiatrists, physicians all respect and revere the word of God and God's own complex wisdom, a wisdom He so readily shares with us should we begin a search and hunger and ask him for these things. So many authors of the above said discipines testify that the word of God is full of insight into life and natural law- full of detailed understanding as to how the world works - planets are suspended on nothing (in the book job, which scientists say is full of scientifically proovable facts!) Solomon himself spoke extensively about nature and its princliples, the word says he could speak about the hyssop - a tiny plant to the great and mighty cedar. Jesus also had great understanding into human nature - Matt 5 the sermon on the mount testifies of this.

The word teaches us how to gain good fruit from life and work and relationships that if we do not obey these principles and transgress them on a daily basis, we proove ourselves stupid, foolish and rebellious against a God whom the bibles says personifies wisdom.

Let us seek after, call out for, search for and then apply wisdom in our lives, it will keep us from temptations - 'winding upwards from hell beneath' says the proverbs of the path of wisdom. Lets search for this path, and proove with these great and wise men that God's wisdeom trumps all other knowledge and proove that He is a mighty and wise God!!

The Cross

Where I became nothing and you rise up and become everything.

Where I died and ceased to be the main thing in my life and you rose and became my motivation, you became the object of worship and my power within to make You great.

Where you stripped me of my sins and my wretchedness and you clothed me with Your innocence, Your righteousness, the power of Your moral goodness and Your holiness.


Worship to me is notabout the's about presence.not stage presence but god showing up.success is his manifest presence showing up in worship. This principle can be crossed applied to prayer

Friday, January 14, 2011


make war with sin, make war with the flesh and idolatries and sickness and oppression will soon flee by the same power we make war with sin which is the holy spirit.

Waiting for Heaven

Mark 15:43

Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the Council, who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God, went boldly to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body.

Josepth of Aremathea in the word of God was identified as a 'man who was waiting for the Kingdom.' Thats how the Holy Spirit remembers him in the history of redemption.

Waiting means long patience. He did not see the complete fullness of the Kingdom on earth. Though undoubtedly is now in heaven. Did Jesus appear to Him in his ascension? Maybe the word is silent about this man after this act, His bold act. He will be remembered eternally as the man who gave His property (land) for the burial of Jesus.

Are we people who are waiting for the Kingdom's appearance in the world, in our lives, and finally in our death? May we be people of a long patient waiting. We will do bold things when we are waiting correctly for the correct thing.

Heaven Song - Phil Wickham

You wrote a letter and You signed your name
I read every word of it page by page
You said that You'd be coming, coming for me soon
Oh my God I'll be ready for You

I want to run on greener pastures
I want to dance on higher hills
I want to drink from sweeter waters
In the misty morning chills
And my soul is getting restless
For the place where I belong
I can't wait to join the angels and sing my heaven song

I hear Your voice and I catch my breath
'Well done my child, enter in and rest'
Tears of joy roll down my cheek
It's beautiful beyond my wildest dreams

I want to run on greener pastures
I want to dance on higher hills
I want to drink from sweeter waters
In the misty morning chill
And my soul is getting restless
For the place where I belong
I can't wait to join the angels and sing...

One of these Days - Jason Upton

I want to go where the sun always shines
Where people are peaceful with no battle lines
Where children are playing in innocent ways
I want to go there one of these days

I want to go where the leaves are all turning
And life’s only certain to be wonderful
Where water is plenty but skies never grey
I want to go there one of these days

Some say that I’m only dreaming
And that this can’t be true
But my faith has only been increasing
Since the day that I met you

One day we’re going where love never dies
Where no one is hungry no empty eyes
And joy is abundant in everyone’s praise
We’re going to go there one of these days

Some say that I’m only dreaming
And that this can’t be true
But my faith has only been increasing
Since the day that I met you

One of these days we're going to go over to Jordan
Where justice will roll down like water
One of these days we're going to go over to Jordan
Where justice will roll down like water

My name

Lord you make me to laugh at my enemies confidently,

You make me a quiet, clean, peaceful, strong, intense and powerful river.


You are my rock.
You carry me through

You are the rock that will break kingdoms and grind them as dust before your feet.

-Daniel 2:34-35

Keeping the flesh under

Help me to keep the flesh under lest I should be disqualified from the blessings of the gospel, whilst preaching it.

Leaders sent by God


From him shall come the cornerstone,
from him the tent peg,
from him the battle bow,
from him every ruler—all of them together.

5 They shall be like mighty men in battle,
trampling the foe in the mud of the streets;
they shall fight because the Lord is with them,
and they shall put to shame the riders on horses.

'You are my bow, you are my arrow.'

As an arrow, make me sharp to draw blood, straight to hit the mark, and strong that i will not break. As a bow make me strong and yielded to the hands of a mighty warrior.

A mighty sword

Zechariah 9:

13 For I have bent Judah as my bow;
I have made Ephraim its arrow.
I will stir up your sons, O Zion,
against your sons, O Greece,
and wield you like a warrior's sword.

14 Then the Lord will appear over them,
and his arrow will go forth like lightning;
the Lord God will sound the trumpet
and will march forth in the whirlwinds of the south.

Lord make us a mighty sword for you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Questions to people who hold fast reform doctrine as an Idol.

my only response to people who hold fast strange teachings are

1) are there not stages of growth in the christian walk? do we not start out stumbling and then learn to walk and run even? or are we saved and walk spiritually and conquer the flesh immediately? what is your experience in the growth in the christian graces?

2) if no one can know that they are elect, do you then know that you are saved? where is the assurance of salvation?

3) if a christian cannot be 'carnal' then do you struggle with your flesh or do you think you obey God 100% of the time? if you are not aware of your flesh's dominance, how then are you going to be liberated of it?

4) is it not more dangerous to know that you are saved but not know that you are living in works of flesh? or are we spiritual they day we are re-generate?

5) did jesus not say that those who know the way but do not do the way of the Kingdom be beaten with many stripes? so are there not people who know what they ought to do but don't? are there not people who hold fast to strange doctrines and never become spiritual?

Not a little troubled

I am troubled (not abit) by strange teachings of the reformed faith that there are no carnal christians, that one cannot know if he is elect and called by God etc.

more on this later.


Feel impressed to read Jeremiah and Hosea again I think I will

if i go through hell again you will be with me and see me through

Last year I went though hell and back and I know that you have seen me through and you will see me through everything I will ever go through in life.

In all things I am confident in you Lord.

I hunger for your word. Give me fresh bread to eat!


'Remember the pit that you were dug from, the rock from which you were hewn.'

I remember and I see that my pains are waters that swell above me and were deeper than my head.

I remember that your love is deeper than my pain.

I remember my need for redemption it burns in the present when remember my past.

I should read the passage on ephesians where it says remember your former way of life, forever save me from it Lord.

The cross

Bbecause of your love, my debt is paid.
Because of your cross my sins are washed away...

the Design of Man

Recently the answer to a question posed in church gatherings was what is the key characteristic that defines man, that he is made in the image of God?

The answer was intellect.

The answer is partially correct, but i think misses out the chief Glory and purpose of man, and we are in danger of exaulting an intellectual understanding of God from the 'heart knowing' as the way that the Lord has purposed for us to 'know him'.

Don't forget that the Lord chose uneducated men as His apostles, men without a formal scholarly education. He did choose one Scholar, Paul. They knew God, not primarily in a scholarly way, but i contest, spirit to Spirit. 'They that come to worship me, must worship in 'Spirit and in Truth'. Which contrasts with the pharisees' merely intellectual 'knowing' which led their hearts far away.

I contest that to be in the image of God Himself is primarily to be created in the same material substance as God Himself, and God's material is life giving spirit -(1 Cor). And So He has given us of His Spirit that we may be indwelled and manifest His own likeness.


Bowing in reverence before God, knowing that we are as nothing, specks.

God, being everything.

Is not a posture too outdated or shallow for in heaven the saints around the throne do the same in a timless posture of silent humble and reverent worship.

Make my heart so today that i might stand in awe of you.